A Preview of Ze Yet to Come

Sooo….I was supposed to post about the House Cup today, and the Battle of the Sexes that happened today.

But I’m too tired. I was going to do it anyways, buuuut

Then I got into a heated debate with Kamil, because he hugely insulted and offended me.

So I’m in a bad mood.

So…tomorrow? Yeah, tomorrow.

SOrry. Blame Kamil.



Exiled From Ireland&The Irish Love Me


Anyways, i have a dream where im in this plain boring area, with hills and a sun above them, and nothing else. all in shades of yellow, green, and orange (yes, even the sun.) and yet somehow i know im in ireland.

Scene shift. at this absolutely gorgeous mountain top, with magnificent mountains as far as the eye can see. its a crisp winter morning, but insanely sunny. my perfect winter weather. we’re in this amazing manor, castle, thing. all grey carved stone, and beautiful. its brilliant. and then, there are all these random people scattered here and there. and theyre about to announce who got shuffled into which team with who. anyways, ayesha and i are super excited, but ayesha’s flipping out with insane hand gestures and everything. (so very un ayesha like). shes going on about how cool itd be if she gets an actual french person on her team and they become great friends. and i want to make friends with whoevers on my team.

anways, they announce the teams, and group us all together. we then are supposed to hang out together as a team to improve our teamwork and get to know each other more. after a debate and all that time, i become really close friends with this irish guy on my team. we become bros. its awesome =) and then after that, when we get our own free time to spend with whomever we choose, i go find ayesha. shes ecstatic cuz she has a french chick on her team. so thats cool, sure why not, were both happy.

later on, i see ayesha hanging out (bothering) the frenchie girl, and its pretty obvious that shes  irritated. yet ayesha being oblivious to this, continues her pursuit of being best friends with the Croissant Lover. she goes on about our (ayesha and mine) lit references, how shes the Lady of Shallot, how she has always considers herself french, and french worthy, blah blah blah. anyways, im then hanging out with Irish-Guy (and i dont remember what he looked like much- possibly blonde with green eyes? im not sure…but i do remember that he was hot. buuut i wasnt into him. not then. yes, there IS a sequel dream! =D ) and we become closer friends.

the next time i see ayesha, she has irked the french chick to a terrible extreme where she snaps at ayesha. ayesha gets stunned and a bit confused and tries to appologize and then go on about how theyre such good freinds and forgive each other. Madam Mustache (..no she didnt have one..but-but still =P) gets more annoyed, and tells ayesha shes not worthy of calling herself french let alone being french, and how shes just an annoying little wanna be. ayesha gets angry now, and they proceed to a full scale riot yelling match fight thing. then this girl sues ayesha, and takes her to the french embassy. there, all the french also hate ayesha, and tell those in charge of our debate tournament training thing (the debating TTT =P ) that they hate her and will not tolerate her being in ireland where shes happy and where currently there are a lot of french people or something. the irsih are totally chill and are just like, ‘yeah, sure, cool, why dont we just exile her, yeah?’ and thus ayesha gets exiled from ireland.

now, we;re at this scene where ayeshas crossing the boarder. once again, in all shades of orange, green and yellow, strangely. so ayeshas leaving and she asks me to cross over with her, you know, lets ditch this popsickle stand kinda thing. (i would never call ireland a popsickle stand but you get the idea right? no offense..) and im fine with leaving (since i can come back. no exile for me =) ) but all these random irish people appear and they say no, i cant go because they like me and are attached to me. aw, im loved by the irish ❤ anyways, as this happens, my irish guy friend was standing by my side the entire time and when the ayesha asks me to leave with her, he hugs me. like, NO. she wont go. it was cute.

all and all, this is a pretty morality type dream of mine.

the irish will love me. the irish are cool and chill. ayesha doesnt belong in ireland. ayesha is to be hated by the french. and, apparently, ayesha doesnt have what it takes to call herself and to BE french. yowch. and obviously, the sun is secretly green, orange and red in ireland. i feel so much more enlightened now. =)

‘That Typo Bus?’ Fail and Biased Internet

Urgh, stupid internet.  i typed out the entire post, and i think i did an excellent narration of what had happened too and now cuz of one stupid stupid copy paste error (i copied something after i copied that, since im just psychic enough to know that my internet would let me down) combined with my blahhy stupid biased internet, its all lost.

so now, maybe not, i shall try to retype that out. i hate retyping, by the way. hate it. its worse than repeating myself. and ive lost the flow of my words, expressionism, everything. it sucks. its literally like asking da vinci to paint another mona lisa, if the dude was still a live. and demanding it to be an exact replica of the first.

now im too angry to type it out all over again. and i personally found it peculiar, funny (not really), ironic, and random.

huuuuuuuffffff. and now i just dont wanna type. and thus i wont.

‘i would if i could, but i cant so i shant.’ -Sheldon. completely justified. and his own logic.

‘im not in the mood, but if i were, i would.‘ -Dr. Grey I. Wattson. that is, me. right here, right now, that is my logic, for now, and forever.

sorry, ill post it tmrw them!

ps, for most of those who dont (and wont until tmrw) get it, the post was supposed to be called ‘That Typo Bus?’ and thus, this is ‘That Typo Bus?’ ‘s fail. so legit, and creative, i know =/ =P