Ze Super Senses Revealed

Remember how i was supposed to talk about some epic powers of mine? After looong periods of consideration, i think even if i share just a few powers with the general public, ill still have enough hidden up my yellow sleeve for fighting crime unexpectedly and effeciently. So, general public, brace yourself with the few powers i shall care to explain to you and tell you a tad bit about.

Here we go.

In this little interview, or revelation, i shall only be talking about Super Senses. Like, how Spiderman’s got Spider Sence. Ah, but a super sense makes not a Superhero. I am the Mint Chutney, but my super sense doesnt involve either mint or chutney in the least. instead, it involves much cooler, desi things thatll through all criminals and masterminds of evil off. What to expect then?

Well, youll know to expect something like #FruitChaatSenses. Yup, Ive got tingling Fruit Chaat senses. They go off whenever anything i can detect does. er, thats a pretty sucky expo…um, lets try that again..If i feel like somethings wrong, and it doesnt necesarrily have to be, or if im acting on a whim or just trusting my gut and instincts (many more people need to accept this pearl of wisdom- just shush, stop tedding out, just dont THINK. just do. not entirely in the way Barney intended, but rather, just ignore your brain freaking out sometimes. go on feeling and instincts instead. i do pretty often. and it works out very well for me. for the most part. haha. hee hee. er, ok, moving on…). So that would be this sense. and other stuff falls under it too, but i shall explain that better when i can. expressionism is what i often lack =/

HAH. ‘My thoughts are stars i cannot fathom into constellations.’ YESH. dat quote came uuuuup. wohoo.

The other power super sense would be… *druuuum rooolll*…. Masala Masti Senses! Or, Masala Senses. Now, these ones really DO tingle. cuz its when i smell something that i say im using these sense. Oooh, logic. Throws almost ALL them villians off. Muahahahaha. wait, no, im supposed to be the GOOD guy. oh well, i AM evil-sih. Go leader of the Triple A, yeaaah!

Now masala senses might also mean stuff like shivering and almost tingling of any sort really, not necessarily sniffing and smelling (and sneezing.) Oh, but sometimes when i use this power i become a polar bear. and heinous crimes like littering become seals. so itd be like

snow…snow..sno- SEAL!! (smosh…polar bear in our mail?!)

but if im using this power, my noses smelling abilities are evidently enhanced. and everyones elses sucks. yay! cuz all they can smell near me shall be masala. hence the sneezing ^_^

buuut theres also that coolio thing about this particular smelling ability. i cans smell food up to double polar bear away =O be impressed. (random fact- Polar bears can smell seals up to 20 miles away.) so thisd be FOURTY miles. daaaym thats a LOT of coverage for an even more A LOT of fooooood ❤

im hungry now =( and im still sick…ish. or ateast, Ze is. The Mint Chutney is invincible.

Fight crime, never Jay-walk, Eat all your vegetables, and NEVAR LITERRR!

-The Mint Chutney
Desi to the Extreme

Ze Origins of Mint Chuntey and the Sushi Slayer

So i was online chatting with a Korean friend and ive just basically founded the Awesome Asian Alliance/the power rangers (not trying to copyright, just saying). Hes the Sushi Slayer and im Mint Chutney ^_^ wohoo~

So now, guess what happens when two totally crazy and random and phsychopathic people form an alliance with food names? the universe implodes. nah, just kidding. But ill tell you what does happen. Vegeta and Goku join. and then with all our Awesome Asian Powers (of Randomness and Crazy) its only a matter of time until the Justice League and the Avengers ask us to join them. Mhmm. We’re just that truly epic.

(spideys got nothing on us~!)

So yeah. next time youre in trouble or in need of someone to get that pesky cat out of the tree- call the Awesome Asian Alliance! We may or may not see the need to help! xD

okaay. and fyi, litter bugs are my natural enemies >.> and ive got a partner in crime (not really, a partner in justice here) called James Baxter, another super hero, that helps me kick litterbug butt. so yeah. wohoo. he however always turns a blind eye when old ladies are being mugged. (‘she doesnt need any help, she can handle it herself. *gasp* did that guy just j-walk?! how dare he?! i shall bring him to justice!!’)

Mhmm. and as Mint Chutney (greenish in color) i shall be wearing either yellow or red. cuz im awesome. and i shall have the element of surprise that way =) so yeaaah.

Imma evilish. so dont think that ill be bringing everyone and anyone to justice.  it might be litter bugs. it might be someone whos getting on my nerves. it might be someone who just trashed/ripped a book to shreds (unless, ofcourse, the book was Twilight). it might even be someone who just didnt compliment my sunglasses. Or someone unlucky enough to have gotten on my bad side. Even celebrities are not safe!  Youve been warned,  Justin Bieber.

Yes. i am indeed evilish. even the Magic 8 ball told me so. so there, that is obviously undeniable proof for all you athiests. muahahaha. besides how im actually evilish anyways through my actions. like whateverrr…

Next time, i might even reveal my super powers. or not. the element of surprise, muahahaha. i might be able to shoot pizza slices out of my ears, or have masala-vision. you never know. and maybe you never shaaall. dun dun duuun.

now excuse me while i go create a rap/themesong and stitch together a cape. as The Mint Chutney im very busy indeed.


-The Mint Chutney
Desi to the extreme. 

wow, i think that was easily the post where i evil-luaghed the most…and ironically enough this was a post all about me being a superhero. i amaze even myself.
nope…not really xD but irony. you just gotta love it.