Shoes Shoes Shoes (for a Dance Off)

I’ve been having loads of mini dreams recently and I’ve just decided that I should also document those so here goes~

In the dream, it starts off at Hadia Mammi and Nomi Mamma’s old house in E-11 having a sort of dance practise but dholki style. I don’t remember the people that were there, but there were loads and it was a very jam packed, crazy busy, disorienting mess. I know Rubab was there for sure and everyone was going craaaazyyy, dancing super seriously and giving it their all as though we were performing on stage. It was insane.

Then, I wake up in my bedroom in Isloo and I realize I’ve slept in and I scramble to get ready. Now, I couldn’t figure out what to wear and I was digging through my closet like a madman.  I knew it had to be something I could dance in, but that only made it harder, especially one glance out the window, and you could SEE the sticky humidity that came with the heavy grey clouds that were hung so low into the city. I couldn’t force myself to wear jeans, so I pulled on a black maxi skirt and threw on a quick shirt with it. I realized dancing in a maxi skirt would look ridiculous cuz you wouldn’t be able to see any cool leg moves, I thought I’d figure something out by stealing a friends pants or something once I was there. But first I had to get there, and I was laaate!

As I’m doing this, Abu knocks on my door and I try to ignore him, but eventually I had to let him in. He had come to offer me cheese, and even though it was cheese, I panicked and said no thank you. But he insisted I have cheese and started spewing all these facts about different cheeses. I had to push him out of the room with his fabulous cheese.

But what exactly is “there” anyways? Well, apparently it was a dance off. Rubab and I were competing in a dance off and she then called asking where I was. We were meeting up with our dance people at the HS F-6 branch. Anyways, I tell her I’m just grabbing my shoes and leaving.

Now I hear Que and Hadia run down the stairs to the car and I dive towards my shoe section in my closet to find- ALL OF THE SHOES. All of the shoes from Haroon’s for some reason in my closet. And the more I dug to find MY shoes, the more Haroon’s shoes I’d find. Screaming in frustration, I gave up and just tried to find  a matching pair that fit me. That’s when my mom came in to “let me know” she’d bought just about all Haroon’s shoes in her size and stored them in my closet. Thanks, Ammi.

Anyways, I’m hurrying and hurrying to find shoes that fit me AND have two shoes in the pair, hobbling about as I reject one shoe after the next. I knew I’d be able to make it if only I could find the right shoes…

And that’s when I woke up, disoriented and still thinking about shoes with the urgent need to pee.

And that was the very boring dream of how I didn’t get to an epic dance off with Rubab at HS 😛

the magical as hell snowman 

Wii Sports Resort: Water Club Edition?

[The following is a time travel post I typed out at work today when I got bored and had nothing to do. I am now copy pasting it here and posting it~]

So it’s been a while since I had my last crazy dream adventure and it’s time for a new installment~!

Last night I had another crazy dream. Although at the moment, I’m having a liiiittle bit of difficulty remembering what it was ^_^; ehehehe… But seriously, once I figure out how it starts off, I KNOW it’ll all come rushing back!

The only problem is getting to that point…Oh wyell. There isn’t exactly much I can do about it right no-


The family plus Zahra and Asma are at this fancy wii sport resort type club (by club I mean like Isloo Club, NOT a bar clubbing club). I got there after everyone else because I’d come directly from work (yes, work is even showing up in my dreams now. It’s just THAT interesting xD ). I find Ammi, Rida, and Barey Ammi sitting around this side pool picnic
set up feasting on loads of goodies. Anyhoo, I find out from them that my spongebob squad is currently chilling at this
pool club room.

And thus begins my quest to get to this mysterious room.

Using my Edogowa Conan/Shiinichi Kudo level deductive skills, I suss out that this pool club room should be located somewhere in the near vicinity of ze pool. I know, Sherlock would be proud.

On my way to the pool, I realize this place is waaaayyy bigger than I had anticipated. I wasn’t sure what I was expecting besides multiple pools, but multiple water slides and lazy rivers towards said multiple pools definitely wasn’t it.

So now dream me is kind of exploring out these water slides to see if she could find some sort of sign leading to the right pool club room (as there were signs scattered here and there at the most congealed locations where the slides would meet
and intertwine).

I run into loads of different people in real swimming costumes and I feel a bit self conscious for a little bit because I was fully dressed in a normal outfit, but then I did run into people that were also in casual clothes or in work out gear (don’t ask me why, they just were, and it was normal and totally acceptable, as well as welcome at that point).

That’s not all I ran into actually. I ran into some PEOPLE I knew. For exaaaaample, I ran into

AMAL of all people. And she was super giggly as she climbed up this steep slide. Her eyes lit up with recognition and anticipation when she caught sight of me. So even in my dream, I grudgingly wade on over to say hi. We greet ourselves and as we make polite conversation about meeting up at some point yada yada, she continues to climb her way to
the level portion of the slide. Which when she gets to, there is someone else attached to her claws- I mean her hand. That.

CURLY. She was holding hands with Curly. And not weird hobo musician subway Curly who can no longer afford haircuts, but old A-levels afro Curly.

And he was sheepishly attached to her, feeling awkward to be in this predicament. But we just kinda greet each other then I take my leave.

But those two were evidently on a date and all I could think in the dream were two things: one, Madam Me was having her predictions come true already. And two, poor Zaid xD

With that, I think I just got distracted exploring the water slides as I looked for the squad, but I woke up before I ever did. >

What a boring end, huh? At least I did have that little run in with Amal. On second thought, I’m not sure “at least” is the right choice of words xD

Anyhoo, back to maybe coding and figuring out this Rules of Commuting program (with the Rulez of The Dollar Menu)~!

the magical as hell snowman

MafiaMissions: an Infiltration, a Drug Lord, and a Getaway Car

The night before the night before last night, I surprisingly had a random, crazy dream.

It starts off at my old house in Pakistan, and I’ve decided to infiltrate this drug lord that is threatening authority in my territory. Oh, if you haven’t figured it out, of course I’m a mafia head in this dream.

So I get disguised slightly so I’m not immediately recognizable and walk on over to their lair (which was very conveniently the evil catnapper’s house- recall how saachi was kidnapped). Anyhoo, I’d gone during midday, so it’s sunny as heeeeck but inside the house, the entire place is dark and gloomy with a lot of black lights all over the place. I encountered a few people, but those henchmen weren’t the ones I wanted to deal with, so I ignored them as they wobbled past in their drug induced trance, giggling eerily every now and then.

I finally found a big fish worth following and he lead me to a public bathroom styled bathroom. It was gross and weird, but it was what it was. I didn’t hesitate to follow him into the guys bathroom, but once inside, he didn’t come out for a while, and so I just waited on a bench near the entrance for him to come out of a stall. But he never did, so I thought he might’ve fallen asleep. In a moment of annoyance and impatience, I got up to walk out in a huff, but then Abdallah suddenly showed up casually saying hi like he had been looking for me. He also didn’t seem to be under any drug influences.

Even dream-me was momentarily dazed by this development, and he just hugged me as a greeting then sat down on the bench next to me. In an attempt to absorb this, dream-me just plopped back down on the bench. Abdallah and I just started talking loads and hanging out, and finally the guy I’d followed into the place left his sanctuary of peace stall and left the bathroom. Not before I nicked his phone though :3 So as Abdallah keeps talking, I just started secretly browsing his phone and trying to transfer files to my lappie back home, a few houses over.

All of a sudden, the smoke alarms start spewing smoke (the irony) and I instantly know something terribly wrong has happened. I run out of the bathroom, apparently not caring if Abdallah was a part of this battle or not. I started casually walking down the empty halls seriously anticipating beating up some grunts cuz they definitely knew I was in there somewhere. All of a sudden, this giant black jeep crashes through the wall, and I see Taco in the driver’s seat yell at me to get in. I know I’m saved, because Taco has always been the getaway driver for my mafia. I climb into the car, and am quickly deafened by some explosions that happened right behind me.

Taco swerves the car and everything goes black for a bit.

I wake up to now be seated neatly in the back of the car. The jeep looked and was the size of a huge limo on the inside, and my family was sitting with me in the back. Ammi was thanking Taco for being “kind enough to give us a lift to our house as we moved” and Hadia and Que were evidently arguing about something or the other. Abu was counting the suitcases behind our seat and doing inventory as he usually does. Rida was on the floor coloring in a coloring book.

I totally remembered what had happened and turned to look at Taco out of confusion. He smiled when responding to my mom, and just winked at me so I knew everything had been taken care of. I then climbed into the passenger seat next to him and quietly discussed how the files I’d transferred from that guys phone were exactly what we’d been looking for to blackmail these guys into submission. Although it’d worked out, I was a little bummed I didn’t get to meet the head drug lord, especially since I was starting to think she was a girl. Looking out the window in dismay, I wondered if we ever could be friends if anything else. Would anything have changed if I had met her that day? I’d been meaning to expand my territory of F-8, F-9, F-10 and Chitown after all xD With thoughts like this I just gazed out the window as we drove on.

Driveway Dancing

Dang, I must really be hitting my  low point of boredom in the summer vacation now. Do you know why I say that? It’s cuz I had ANOTHER crazy dream last night. Two, even.

The first one starts off with dream-me looking at houses with the family in some hilly suburban area. Anyhoo, after a few houses, we find one we like in a good neighbourhood and buy it. Coincidentally, it turned out a looot of HS people lived there. Ateeq (ur Rehman from my grade) lived in the house completely opposite to mine. Omer (Aziz, the one and only lota) was a few houses over on the right of my house. Ahsen (Talha Ahsen of the “Flower Boys” as I called them back in sixth grade HAH xD ) also lived next to Omer. Kamil (big brother himself) lived somewhere nearby a few streets away and would come to hang out with these guys loads. What a weird combination, huh?

Additionally, all my batch people were going to the same uni as me at the time ie Ahsen, Omer and Ateeq.

Now one day, I was driving out of the house to commute to hang out with Dreads and Hibah  on campus. And cuz train life is best life. Duh. But on the drive back, I realized that today was a party at Ateeq’s house and I was debating whether or not to show up. Before I’d made up my mind, and before his party started, I was going out for a walk and saw Kamil all tuxed up dancing the waltz with Ahsen. And it instantly made sense to dream-me because there had been a ball at uni today for the frat Omer and Ahsen were a part of. (Yes, that’s the most realistic this dream has been in a whiiiile.)

So I just imagined there were teaching Kamil for fun and practising around in Ateeq’s driveway. (Ironically, Kamil would probably be the best dancer out of all of them but pfft not so much in my dream it seems like!)

I kind of came over to watch and ended up hanging out with Ateeq as these guys practised there steps and twirls. Later, once the party was starting and the early, punctual type of people showed up, Kamil went home to untux and wear some more casual clothes. But Omer, who was also suited up actually waited until Fatima showed up (I don’t know, okay, I just don’t) and asked her to dance. Qarni was her awkward self and kind of just went with it. They both seemed to suck, although Omer was fiiiine at half an hour ago and that’s where I started to think he  might like Qarni xD Later on in the party, they were having a hilarious time and laughing with each other like comfortable friends at their lack of dance skill :3

Now, once the party was properly started, I showed up inside Ateeq’s house and kind of ended up talking to some guy called Adam that had some pretty cool, shiny braces, like something out of the cartoon Brace Face.

Meghna of all people later joined our converesation and ended up getting super drunk and wouldn’t leave me alone…But then thankfully, Ateeq saved me by dragging me away and we just hung out the rest of the party, walking through his massively crowded house. I vaguely remember Ahsen trying to ask me to dance mid party too, but I just went nah, man and that was the end of that. I think he hung out with us for a while too until Ayesha showed up, and we replaced Ahsen with Ahsan xD Haha, jk, but he did decide to leave once Ayesha showed up and the three of us left had a blast just chilling and stair sledding of course xD

No celestial bodies exploded in this one, so maybe I’m not as bored as I think I am. Whatever. The next weeks about to get hella busy with my internship and all the grad parties anyways.

Oh, but that was the dream I had before walking up at 4:30 am.

After 4:30 am, my second dream:

Errr, shit, I think I forgot a lot of it while trying to piece together the details for the first one. Let’s see if I can get it back.


I totally can’t recall D: Dang iiiiit. Ugh. Oh well, I guess I’ll just have to add to this post if I ever figure it out. But I’d like to post about the first dream at least. (I had another crazy dream a few nights ago, but because I couldn’t piece together the entire thing, I just never posted it on time. I’m still working on that one too.)




A Zoo, A Library, and Everything Else

I am aware that I haven’t been recording down all my crazy dreams recently, (and there ARE two/three more that are worthy of being put down here, which I hopefully will type out soon) but I had one last night- so let’s gooo~

Hibah and I are on the train. The usual. I’m a little surprised by how normal it is for me to be on a train in my dreams now. Eh, commuter life, you get used to it 😛 Anyways, I nervously bring up to Hibah that we should get off at the Brookfield stop and explore a bit. She’s totally down and admits that she actually wanted to check out information about their zoo for another day. So we hop off the train to this desolate, rundown area that honestly reminded me of our current station with all its construction. There’s only one building there, and it’s pretty huge, and modern looking with mostly glass walls and lots of steal. It’s the Brookfield Library, according to dream-me. There is also one giant green sign for the zoo, and with one shared glance at each other, the two of us decide library first, zoo second, and dash to the doors.

I notice this sign towards the left of the doors and walk up to it to read their hours, but then I get sidetracked by the fact that all the doors look like their locked. Their were a bunch of push/pull doors like in SEL lining the front of the building. Hibah and I tried our luck with many of them individually to no avail, until some guy pushed one open from the inside, and while it was still open, I flew inside. Hibah was equally successful because she found a door which had a broken lock and got in too. Now inside, we were about to approach the reception desk until we realized we didn’t exactly have any questions.


The building looks so much bigger on the inside, and extends to a huge collection of the most magical things on paper to our left where it looks like an absolutely normal, functioning library. Then, behind the desk, it extends to this spiraling, confusing and surprisingly dark way. It looked incredibly interesting and I’m sure dream-me would have tried to go there if she hadn’t noticed what was *right* next to us on the right. There seemed to be this tight spiral staircase that went cliiiiimbing up and up, seemingly to no end. There were also a bunch of ropes hanging down from it, and for some reason, a mini rock climbing path that was about three-quarters of a meter across attached to one side of those spiral stairs. Intrigued, I started climbing this strange wall and got pretty high up. I started to look around for Hibah, but she was only looking at the walls of the room, and instantly I knew what she was doing. “Hibah, there’s a socket there, there, and one up there!” I yelled down, pointing in all the socket locations I had spotted from my height. Clearly, her phone still has no battery even in my dreams xD

Once Hibah decided on the safest located socket for her phone to charge on, the head librarian walked out from behind the desk and noticed us. She then started telling us about all of the features her library had to offer, pointing out their general direction as she went about it. Mind you, I’m still suspended in the sky, but this doesn’t seem to be a problem. She mentioned a “rock tunnel” which Hibah and I excitedly start asking details about. “Does it have digletts in it?!” “Can you rock climb in there?” “Why is there a rock tunnel in a library?” To which she responds, “it separates the knowledge portion of the library from the rock climbing wall. It also helps keep the noise from there away from those looking for peace here.”

Screw peace and quiet, Hibah and I are going rock climbing. Dream-me did text an incredibly jealous and pissed off Qarni about our discovery, especially since their rock climbing wall was famous for being dope as eff. I grab the rope and do some fancy sailor knotting to fictional self-belay myself down, and Hibah is already waiting for me inside this tunnel. I climb down the rung of ladders that remind me of the swimming pool type down a hole in the ground that just sort of appeared as the head librarian had into the rock tunnel below us.

Then I woke up as a very confused person. What a seemingly normal dream.

the magical as hell snowman


Two Rooms, Two Parties, Two Dates?

A Land with Parties, and Totally Weird Public Transport.

^The initial name to this post, but I never got round to telling the transport bit, so that’ll go in another (postponed) post. So I decided to rename this half of the story too.

So I had another weird dream last night.

It started off with me at some kinda party. And it was in a white square room, bearing resemblance to a typical anime classroom. It was full of people partying, dancing, talking, drinking punch, having a good time, the like. There were silhouettes of people that I couldn’t make out. But all the girls were in colorful dresses, and the boys were either in suits or T-shirts and shorts (i don’t know why =/). Lights were flickering, it was a blast!

Even I was in a knee-length dress, and that’s a tad weird. It was a midnight blueish purple, and I was wearing it with elbow length super fancy gloves.

Anyways, we partied. But then after a bit, the room changed. It became smaller, the lights became classroom lights, the people seemed to have left. The only ones in the room now were kinda geeky looking and nerdy people having punch, a few talking to each other, a few on gaming consoles or just sitting awkwardly in corners.

So I notice that there’s got to be more to the party than just this, and following my gut feeling, I leave the room and (the door leading to the class room was in a hallway like so – other door |     |classroom door) and so I walked across to the other parallel door that took me to another party.

A birthday party. And apparently I hated the birthday girl. But to be the total prick I wanted to be, I stayed, ate cake, had a blast, made some new friends, and overall, infuriated her immensely. There was a conga like and after loads of unwrapping gifts and party games, that was the end of that. Everyone’s leaving. Now I’m not sure how we make it here, but we do. Scene shiiift.

Now everyone’s outside, in this mall like set up, with this cinema ish door and ramps leading up to it. Now, I’m talking with this kid, who’s my age, but shorter than me, in a brown suit, round eyes and an innocent smile, and a mop of brown hair. We’re talking and chilling, and walking up and down those ramps. Out of the blue, he asks me out. Whaaat? And I get confused, and he tries to explain that he doesn’t know why but he wants to go on a date with me (very flattering.) But then he gets an emergency call, flustered, and just runs off.

I run off in the opposite direction, and come across this other girl whom I was had become friends with at the second bash. She kinda reminds me of Bisky, from HxH, but not entirely. She had a tanned complexion, twin tails with goldenish brown hair, star hair ties, and a blue, white and yellow frilly flowy dress that was matched completely with other stars too. She looked like a kid, very tiny and petite, shorter than even me. By a little less than a head.

Now we hang out for a bit, but I realize she’s either being overly-friendly or she’s (practicing?) flirting with me. Either way, we hang out at this food court/cafeteria area, and then I randomly hug her and ask this (convenient) photographer to take a picture of us. And she freaks for a bit, cuz I hugged her, but then she kinda acts excited after that. (there were random photographers around to take pictures.) Now, this photographer began to take a picture of this group of people sitting at a table near us first, and we held the pose just waiting for him to finish.So I’m looking in his direction. Another photographer shows up and already snaps a picture, with me looking elsewhere. So I politely ask for another, he complies and then-

For some reason, the chick I was hanging out with, bursts into tears, and runs away, dropping a glass slipper as she went. And I’m just left there thinking…I get to be Prince Charming to another chick, or I become the princess taller than the Prince dressed in Brown?! Da hell, Brain?!!

(I’m not bi =/)

Que tumble weed, silence, and whooshing sound effect as I’m left standing there, thinking that.

Snap. A picture to remember.

Man, this dream was weird =/ and pointless.

Oh, but there’s the weird public transport story…but I guess I’ll make that a part two and post that tomorrow. It’s really late, and I’m suuper sleepyyy =/

So later then!

Sweet and strange dreams!


Exiled From Ireland&The Irish Love Me


Anyways, i have a dream where im in this plain boring area, with hills and a sun above them, and nothing else. all in shades of yellow, green, and orange (yes, even the sun.) and yet somehow i know im in ireland.

Scene shift. at this absolutely gorgeous mountain top, with magnificent mountains as far as the eye can see. its a crisp winter morning, but insanely sunny. my perfect winter weather. we’re in this amazing manor, castle, thing. all grey carved stone, and beautiful. its brilliant. and then, there are all these random people scattered here and there. and theyre about to announce who got shuffled into which team with who. anyways, ayesha and i are super excited, but ayesha’s flipping out with insane hand gestures and everything. (so very un ayesha like). shes going on about how cool itd be if she gets an actual french person on her team and they become great friends. and i want to make friends with whoevers on my team.

anways, they announce the teams, and group us all together. we then are supposed to hang out together as a team to improve our teamwork and get to know each other more. after a debate and all that time, i become really close friends with this irish guy on my team. we become bros. its awesome =) and then after that, when we get our own free time to spend with whomever we choose, i go find ayesha. shes ecstatic cuz she has a french chick on her team. so thats cool, sure why not, were both happy.

later on, i see ayesha hanging out (bothering) the frenchie girl, and its pretty obvious that shes  irritated. yet ayesha being oblivious to this, continues her pursuit of being best friends with the Croissant Lover. she goes on about our (ayesha and mine) lit references, how shes the Lady of Shallot, how she has always considers herself french, and french worthy, blah blah blah. anyways, im then hanging out with Irish-Guy (and i dont remember what he looked like much- possibly blonde with green eyes? im not sure…but i do remember that he was hot. buuut i wasnt into him. not then. yes, there IS a sequel dream! =D ) and we become closer friends.

the next time i see ayesha, she has irked the french chick to a terrible extreme where she snaps at ayesha. ayesha gets stunned and a bit confused and tries to appologize and then go on about how theyre such good freinds and forgive each other. Madam Mustache ( she didnt have one..but-but still =P) gets more annoyed, and tells ayesha shes not worthy of calling herself french let alone being french, and how shes just an annoying little wanna be. ayesha gets angry now, and they proceed to a full scale riot yelling match fight thing. then this girl sues ayesha, and takes her to the french embassy. there, all the french also hate ayesha, and tell those in charge of our debate tournament training thing (the debating TTT =P ) that they hate her and will not tolerate her being in ireland where shes happy and where currently there are a lot of french people or something. the irsih are totally chill and are just like, ‘yeah, sure, cool, why dont we just exile her, yeah?’ and thus ayesha gets exiled from ireland.

now, we;re at this scene where ayeshas crossing the boarder. once again, in all shades of orange, green and yellow, strangely. so ayeshas leaving and she asks me to cross over with her, you know, lets ditch this popsickle stand kinda thing. (i would never call ireland a popsickle stand but you get the idea right? no offense..) and im fine with leaving (since i can come back. no exile for me =) ) but all these random irish people appear and they say no, i cant go because they like me and are attached to me. aw, im loved by the irish ❤ anyways, as this happens, my irish guy friend was standing by my side the entire time and when the ayesha asks me to leave with her, he hugs me. like, NO. she wont go. it was cute.

all and all, this is a pretty morality type dream of mine.

the irish will love me. the irish are cool and chill. ayesha doesnt belong in ireland. ayesha is to be hated by the french. and, apparently, ayesha doesnt have what it takes to call herself and to BE french. yowch. and obviously, the sun is secretly green, orange and red in ireland. i feel so much more enlightened now. =)

Infinite Knowledge and Doughnut Essays

Last night i had a dream. =O its weird, just unusual, and not like its one of my  dreams…its just different, and relatively normal.

Now, the setting. it was my room. well, not exactly. it was the exact shape of my room, but it wasnt lilac, it was white. and none of my furniture was in that room (major things, like the bed, my sofa-chair, my closet, my desk, my bookshelves). but my things, my stuff was set all around the rooms edges. my candles were on the ledge, my artsy designs were on the walls, my decorations were up, my cards collage behind the door was still there, but only my bulletin board wasnt there.

then we come to the chairs. there were chairs all over my room, they were the only furniture in there, and they were, randomly, the chairs from my tution/cram school =/ but yeah. and theres this one that was where my radiator/heater would be, facing my jangling colorful square beads curtain. all the others were facing out the window (except there was no window), in rows and columns.

My least favorite light was on. the white one thats right above my bed and on the UPS. (my fav are the two  flower spotlights that are connected together, and give off a candle lit light that i adore. its just so medieval and pretty =) )

Now, Sir Tariq (my English Lang teacher) is sitting on that lone seat. and on all others, there are a bunch of teenagers there, including me. there are people from different schools, mostly mine, people from my tution, loads of assorted people. and theyre talking with each other. then some Sir Tariq gets up, starts reading us out some essay, but is interrupted by like two or three late students (late to what, i have no idea =/ ) He gets angry, starts to lecture them, and then, for some reason, shahzada aman comes in, all shy and six feet three (he is most definately taller than that, id say atleast 6 4.) Sir sees aman, and immediately insists that HE read out the essay, since he wrote it or since the sir had a sore throat, or something like that. anyways, before he hands aman the notebook, he tells us this strange metaphor. but since i cant phrase it properly, that metaphor shall be converted to a simile (but i know that it was initially a metaphor). that half an essay is  like a doughnut. and from that, he started drawing on this white board that appeared from no where, discreetly, behind him, where my bulletin board ought to be. its this weird, two doughnuts next to each other, touching, and theyre crudely drawn, and not good circles at all. he was telling us that where the doughnuts meet, is the half point of our essay. baffled now as i think back on it, yet dream-me had no issues with this knowledge, and was gracefully noting it down and adding descriptions, points, and explanations to her notes.

Then, as soon as Sir Tariq was explaining all of this, loads of students start streaming in, late, chatting, making noise. before, the chairs were filled with only one-third of their true potential (as in, true seating capacity =P ) and now theyre like all full. and i lost sight of Sir Tariq after that, and everyone was seated, then this new teacher appeared.

im not sure whether she was short or tall. she was sitting on the seat Sir-Doughnut-metaphor was using before her. she had her legs crossed. and she flashed resemblence between two people (one a fictional character, the shrink from Pretty Little Liars season 2 episode either 1 or 2. not sure. the other a classmate at my tution, my friend Usra) yet looked completely different and someone id never seen before.

she smiled at us, then at me (yeah, i hate it when teachers zero in on you). she whispered something, and strangely, i heard her and was the only one to. all the other kids were still talking, still gossiping, still chatting. i was sleepy (yeah, sleepy in a dream, ironic i know =P ) and was resting my head on the seat infront of me while training my eyes on her. and yet, despite all that noise, i still heard her whisper. she promised, she tried to bribe us with ‘infinite knowledge’. and that got my attention, plus i was already creeped out and freaked out from the whole i heard her whisper episode.

and then, like a traveling breeze, she disappeared. with the whole whooshing sound and everything, i think she even left a pattha/leaf behind. Leaving behind only her whispered promise…and the leaf. She was gone with the wind. (hahaha, i made a pun =P im so proud of myself. ususally my puns suck, are stupid, dont make sense…but yay =) )

so yeaaaaah. my dreeaaam. =P strange, weird, insane, stupid, random, knowledgeable, etc? ikr?! =) okaaaaay. im done.

gonna go watch some more PLL now, its daylight hours afterall ^_^

French James Bond, and Accented Me

The Names Bashir. Bashir Sahab.

It all starts at that scene where (skyfall:)  Bond and Q are sitting on a bench, discussing a painting of a ‘bloody boat’. And their having the same conversation as in the movie, but they never reach the point in the conversation where Q gives Bond a radio transmitter, and that specialized gun. Because they were interrupted.

By me. a pillar of green fire just lights up and appears out of nowhere next to them, they both sense it, freeze, but dont turn around, and wait. i step out of the flames, and just walk over to their bench. and it was as though time had stopped flowing at that point, and it started gushing again as soon as i began walking. no one else noticed me or anything out of the ordinary.

i great them (all professional spy-like) with a ‘hello, boys’. (i had a proper british accent too, yaay!) and then i zone out of their conversation and take note of my surroundings, as any experienced spy/body guard would at this point. I took note of all the exits, and everyone in the room. no one was paying any attention to Q or Bond. good. as it should be; they werent supposed to be attracting anyone’s attention. but then i felt a gaze behind me, trained on the back of my head. so i turn around to see, the dorky friend of mine, suleman.

But this suleman is not not as dorky as the real one  is dressed like a gangster in his black leather jacket, smoking a cigarette, and radiating an aura of evil. He’s at one of the entrances, leaning on the doorway passage thing, next to a trashcan (0ne of those with a upper bit thats for smoking, like a pile of sand to stick your lit cigarette into, to put it out) that was littered with cigarettes already. Before i can react to his evilness and staring at me, he turns to stare/glare at someone else. i immediately list him as a troublemaker (and a thug wanna be) and decide to keep a general guard up against him, but turn away from him after a bit.

Then, all of a sudden, we hear an explosion. i feel the shake, the shock, the tremor pass all through the museum, the pillars, and me. everyone evacuates, i turn to see suleman, but hes no longer at his post. so bond being bond, and me being me, run together at the speed of light to the room right next to us, where the explosion had come from. and Q being Q, sighed, and then chased after us.

Inside, we see that the statue at the centre of the room, which i had already seen before, was what had exploded. but the explosion had only altered the original statue. it was now a black marbled man, with a ton of dirty sand dumped on him, and many many cigarettes littered everywhere. Instantly, i think of suleman. and i go running back, but i dont see him anywhere inside the art gallary museum. so i ruuuun outside, with bond at my heels and we see him outside. he sees us, looks bewildered for a bit, but then he has the expression of the Ooooh of understandment, and then makes a run for it. classic bad guy move.

so we chase him. and chase him. and chaaase him. we chase him all the way from Britain (where we were), to Italy, to France. and then, we finally catch him because the french are just so epically amazingly awesome. I forgot the details exactly, but i think a mime tripped suleman, then bashed him on the head so he couldnt get up. suleman crashes into one of those open on the street cafes, and gets tangled up in loads of tables. Ze Helpful Waiter the fifth, comes over and accidentally spills a drink on sulemans head, so he regains consciousness. (cuz, you know, the french can only be helpful if its by accident =) im kidding, im kidding, i love the french ❤ ) anyways, we catch up to him, and this is the part which gets just a bit challenging. ligually.

Suleman starts speaking japenese. i dont know it. so i kindly request him to speak english, ‘speak english, dork!’ while bashing him on the arm. he starts speaking italian. im confused, cuz i know i should be able to understand him, but i cant. and then james bond, kinda pushes past me (we were towering over him, cuz were standing, and hes on the floor),kinda a ‘i got this’ way, and starts speaking roman. and now im really confused, and for some reason i start panicking. and these two guys can actually understand each other. ( i felt like yelling ‘how the f can you understand each other?! your speaking different languages!!’)   then, i you know say ‘can we, you know, shift over to english, if you will? so i can understand what your saying?’ in a heat of anger. bond kindly shifts to french now -.- thanks a lot, bond.but no. continue being European, why dont you -______- thhheeeen, i burst out speaking nothing but Greek, and they cant understand me, and i cant stop. i try to speak english but i just couldnt. but then, bond calms me down by speaking in english and  i use the most epic method/way ever to speak english agian. i concentrate on an irish accent, and then i can speak english again, albeit it was in a sucky irish accent but i was happy, chuffed, relieved, and chill =)

while this whole language confusion was happening, we had called the british authorities to come get suleman, once we caught him, so we were only waiting for some british  cops, governor, lestrage, to show up to arrest him. then this police boat (from britain) comes to capture suleman, and he goes off to jail (ask bond why) and then bond and i go back to debating art pieces and breaking out into epic ninja fights. oh, what a fun adventure, if i do say so myself =)

003, debriefed.



The War Against the Land King

just last night i had to dreams ( i woke up in the middle, after one ended and it sorta kind but didnt continue from there) you see, this story is after the first one. ill post the first one later, its actually romantic which my dreams never are, so heres one that is more a typical dream for me (actually, its not so typical either, cuz the moon didnt explode in this one! usually the moon, or something else behind me explodes in my dreams =P ) so anyways, lets start the story from the top. But this i do need to mention, that Ayesha and i did not know of the existence of the Two Romeos in this continuation, especially that they were in Florida with us.

Ayesha (one of my best friends) was sitting with me at this beautiful cafe. The birds were singing, the Sun was shinning through the green leaves of this beautiful, large majestic tree that towered above us, and we were eating ice cream and sipping iced tea and coffee (needless to say who had the coffee, eh? =P) We were laughing and having fun. Now, for some reason, ayesha was technologically more advanced than me since she had her cellphone with her, and it bzzzed, notifying her that she had gotten a text. Now, here, we dont know that Ammar and Adil are also in Florida with us on a vacation. Ammar had just texted her asking if she wanted to hangout. so she replies that, sorry dude, we cant, were chilling in florida, on a vacation. to which he replies, im here too with adil, wanna go to an aquarium? so we kinda have nothing better to do and say yeah, sure why not. So now we have plans.

Next scene: we’re at the aquarium. now adil and i are childhood friends (form the 3rd grade) and both are pokefanatics. so we see manta rays and explode into an argument about whether this particular species resemble mantyke or mantine. this debate quickly developes into a ‘do you even know which is which?’ argument. at this, ayesha and ammar (not die hard pokefreaks, sad i know =/ they totally wasted their childhoods..) start their own convo that i didnt hear, so i dont know what they were talking about. And we have looong arguments. so by this time, we have entered this one way tunnel where the walls are made of glass and contain all these fish, like this real one somewhere in Dubai, UAE. And now i notice that all the people ahead of us are kinda grouping towards the wall, as if making a path for us to walk through. so now i and co. halt in our tracks and stare ahead expectantly.

i dont know what dream-me was expecting but it certainly wasnt this. Maaz (Tariq, basketball jock) comes over, no, galloping over, while riding a seahorse. strangely, dream-me had no issue finding this weird. what i did find weird were everyones reactions to his arrival. Adil bursts out a ‘whatya doing here?!’ which i think is the most realistic, and exactly what i was thinking at that point but was too speechless to say. Ayesha is confused and is freaking out. also realistic. and ammar. ammar, shoves between adil and i (we were leading this wonderful rally), and pushing up his sleeve glances at his watch and growls ‘its about time!’. (hee hee, ammar growling). now im totally like O________o

Ammar starts ranting about they dont have ‘enough time to strategize and plan now’. this apparently makes loads of sense to ayesha, since she gasps the Ooooooh of understandment (its a thing now, get used to it. kinda like French the Llama.) and says ‘so thats why you called me over! to be the strategist. afterall, i am the only one here qualified to do it here, since im smart’. To which adil scoffs ‘more like a consultant. maybe, since im the smartest one here, and im the strategist.’ Now dream-me is pretty dumb, and justs watch ayesha blush at her baisty/burn and start an argument with adil which ammar plans out a new schedule( like Mr. Herriman would). So i go up to maaz and try to get him, Oh-Seahorse-Master to shed some light on this baffling series of events.

Here i feel compelled to mention his attire (and adils too, in a bit. it is always note worthy.).He is wearing this ginormous swirly seashell on his head, kinda like those shell fish ones, i think as a crown. hes wearing his glasses as usual, and then, at his hip, he had a fencing sword. ah, but not any fencing sword, one that was evidently crafted using KND technology. it had a handle that was either ivory or bone (not too sure about the difference there anyways =S) and the blade- wait for it- was made entirely out of toothpicks he Prince of the Sea himself. And, if youve seen the episode where no.3 has to save no.3 from that sand castle king of the beach dude/brat? well, remember the three ‘knights’ wo wore different types of sea themed armor? he wore clothes a bit like a mixed version of the purple one and the orange one, but more princely and entirely blue. in case you havent, and dont understand my Kids Next Door reference, heres a link to a picture;,r:6,s:0,i:103 woooow, thats a long link. and just to clearify (and put this picture here too!) when i say Prince of the Sea, i dont mean King Sandy,r:1,s:0,i:88

And so my conversation with Sir Maaz…’hey whats going on??’ he decides to respond by pointing his blessed sword at my throat and says ‘ silence, infidel  or a shall be forced to silence you myself by beheading you!’ which seems very non-maaz-like and very knightly-outta-control-arrogant of him. so i give him one more chance before i just at him with my mad ninja skills. ‘maaz, whaaat is going on?’ this is the part where dream-me redeems herself by showing some signs of intelligence: ‘hey, you sound as if there’s a war coming up or somthing. are you going to war?’ i also thought ‘are you going to war dressed like that riding that??!‘ too but didnt say anything incase i was beheaded, you know. so he answers, ‘yes, i am declaring a war. against the Land King’. and he says this with closure, as if its climactic, dramatically, and with finality. i am now like, lost completely and forever.

i then am just like ‘yeaaaah, good luck with that..’ and it sorta ends. or atleast, i think the dream ends here. my dad interrupted me to drag me out to celebrate his wedding anniversary at 12.02 am. so my writing flow was interrupted and i dont remember what exactly it was i was supposed to / going to write after that bit about the clothes. hml…nope, still drawing a blank. grrr..

Oh yeah, and as per my dream rules, adil had to have had one of those curly-tipped french cartoon mustaches. (no offense to the French, you guys totally rule! =) ) and he was wearing regular jeans until maaz, prince of the sea, showed up. then, the jeans magically became red tights. *shudder*

now im gonna have a pretty hard time getting to sleep with that obscene image stuck in my head -.- oh well, another post sure to come, if im not entirely exhausted by then =)
