Summer (July) Anime Releases

You can find the releases for which anime this July 2014 on the site, 

And I found a helpful chart here, where you can see a picture of the anime’s poster, along with it’s name. So it’s easier to find one to your animation preferences.

Must check out this anime, as it’s got a BUNCH of cool voice actors- Kirito from SAO, Ash Blake from Dragonar Academy. people from Log Hoizon, Fate/Zero?, Vampire Knight, Fairy Tail, No Game No Life, and much much more!)- called Akame ga Kill!  For details on the voice actors, plus pictures of the characters they’ll be voicing, click here.

Hope this is helpful!

It sure helped me get into the whole watching a season of anime, as it AIRS. I’ve never done that before so yeah =P

But I plan to again! It’s awesome ^_^



Free! the Anime

So I started  a sportsy anime, Haikyuu. A show all about this super short kid that wants to play volleyball and be the very best that no one ever was as an Ace (a position that usually requires loads of height). And the constant talk of believing in yourself, and hilarity, and just typical school closeness, with super sappy lines had me!

Epic Fanart. But they messed up the numbers on the shirts =Y

I missed anime like that so MUCH. I think the last sports anime I’ve ever seen was…I can’t even recall! That’s how long it’s been. And I fell head over heals for this genre then.

But this anime is still ongoing! And I wanted to binge watch an epic sports anime.  NOW.

So I opened up a new tab, and did some searching. I came across Korouko no Basket, and a few others. (Watched the first ep, but I got hooked on something else after Alya told me I was on the look for sport anime.)

I started watching Free!, and anime all about swimming. It’s super short, complete, and only has twelve episodes, half the normal amount of episodes most anime have. It was awesome though! I seriouslyyy loooved it~!

I actually reaaally liked it! It was adorable, and in such a short time, I did manage to bond with a bunch of the characters! That’s no easy feat with just twelve episodes, ya know 😉

But, my fave characters have got to be Haru/Nanase, Rin, and Nagisaaaaa~

Nagisa’s awesome, fun, bright, and just generally happy. Haru, you come to love. And Rin- looks so damn cool, right?- but his creepy shark fangs look a bit frightening, especially paired with those red eyes…

More pictures~!

Why is Rei randomly just THERE in the background..?

This picture ❤

Kinda Cute Chibis!

Although I watched the first eleven episodes in two days, I didn’t watch the last one til last night. (After three ish days.) But I loved it’s ending, and it ended with THIS picture;


See you next Summer!

Which means there was the initial intention to make a second season!! So I did some more googling, and what to I find? THIS!

Dat Blue Two.

A confimation on it’s release- this JULY ❤ (I found out here.)

Yay :3 I can’t wait now!


Quotes and Stuff from Yu-Gi-Oh! the Abridged Series

One of the most hilarious things ever. And here are a few pictures, jokes, and quotes from the series.

*Miiiind Cruuush*

This one picture summarizes these characters so well.

Bandit Keith’s Catch Phrase that make total sense.

I love the scene where Bandit Keith is telling his three henchmen to get lost and get off Duel Kingdom Island. He does so by saying to get out of America. And when they respond with the logical ‘this isn’t America’, he replies with “All countries belong to America!”. “…So how are we supposed to leave then?” “I don’t know!”

Joey’s trying reaaally hard to make it his thing.

Main character- he can get away with anything. When he cheats, he doesn’t.

Recall Bakura’s sad, sad past.

One does not simply forget the trauma of their father pouring boiling tea over one’s mother and asking “Why so British?!!” repeatedly.

Episode One- It lacked a lotta logic.

I gotta say…that’s a creepy smile, Kaiba O.o

Pew pew.


And yet Bakura and Marak are constantly shipped together both in fan fictions and in this series. They are both characters portrayed to be gay-

As you can clearly see, Bakura isn’t very fond with admitting to it. He likes his British excuse.

I’m sure this is what it’s going to be like when I finally go back to watching the actual Yu-Gi-Oh! soon enough.

My sentiments exactly. And my face exactly too. Never would I have thought I’d have the same expression as the all handsome Duke Devlin =| =/ =P

Aaaand now I’m off to watch some more of the series :3

Go watch it 😀 Well, before I watched it on that other site I mentioned before, but it didn’t have any episodes after 35. I couldn’t find any, at least. So I started watching it on They’re available there, albeit with French Subs for some reason =P

But there nonetheless and funnyyy~

So now I poof to go watch it =)


Crazy, Chocolate, and Cookies,



Sword Art Online Season II Announcement- News, Initial take, and Story Line Discussion

On the little chatango box to the right of (where I watch all  my anime. I’d seriously recommend it; it’s awesome!), I saw people discussing Sword Art Online. And it’s second season coming out.

Now, I had only started watching it a bit  a few months back, and had only seen the first three episodes. But I had heard Alya fangirl over it all the time. And the way she talked about it, I thought the show already had two seasons, both of only 12 episodes each. So when I saw this discussion on the new Season II releasing in July ’14, I thought the admin on the site had just been too lazy to upload season II before (I’m sorryyy! >.< I’ll never doubt your hard work, and perseverance again!) and were going to upload that in July.

Turns out I was huuugely mistaken, and there’s only one 24 episode season I of SAO, and they are releasing a sequel season soon. But it’s story line is terrible so far for sooo many reasons!

First, I thought that Kirito wasn’t in it at all! And that these two chicks were instead;

Main Characters~

How cool do they look?- But, no! No Kirito?! Then how’s it SAO?! It’s an unnecessary weird spin off thing, like Soul Eater Not! (Like it, but not as good as the original series.)

And then Alya does a bit more googling on the story line, while I google more on it’s release.

It turns out Kirito IS in the story. But Alya misinformed me and said he’s in it as a SUPPORTING CHARACTER to these two chicks.

Bring out the army of fangirls. This isn’t going to be pretty.

But theeen, we find the actual story- Kirito’s avatar is simply that of a girl’s! He’s the maroon haired chick here! This chick;

*Avatar may or may not be this blue. I don’t know.*

*Or this maroon. They need to decide a color scheme, sheesh.*

And him having the avatar of a girl’s is terriiible! Because he’s obviously going to get stuck in a game again, and for the vast majority of the show, we shall see him as a giiirl! Ewww! As someone who think’s Kirito’s adorable, cool, and cute, I’d hate to watch him as a girl all of a sudden. That just doesn’t work for me.

What were the writers thinking? They’re going to end up loosing loads of fans! And the fans they think they’ll gain with She-Kirito’s boobs won’t be that big if no one even understands the confusing mess they’ve made out of the story. I mean, it’s only normal to assume the lead will be the same- and same gender >.> =/- in a sequel series. So not many people will skip SAO and just watch SAO II cuz of the girl leads.

Pfft, and the best thing is this stereo type the Japanese are playing on the Americans. Usually, in anime and manga it’s a rule that all American foreigners muuust be blue eyed and blonde? Well, here they’re adding to that (I hope!) and adding this impression from the internet. The American video game Kirito’s playing now is all about- you guessed it- GUNS!

Gun Gale Online (GGO) (Gale? Reallyyy?? Like, a gust of guns? Like a wind bringing guns with it? Or super guns that blow air too? What a name…) is a game all about guns. But Kirito’s got too much swag for that shiz and obviously went “I’m Japanese. In an Anime. I do what I WANT! Your laws don’t apply to me! And even if you do try to get me to adhere to the rules of this game, I shall use my Japaneseness to simply recode the program of your game to allow me to play with epic swords!” on them and did just that. He has a sword (light saber thing…?)(as well as a gun?) as his weapon.

[I don’t mean to sound mean toward these nationalities. I’m simply joking around. It’s all fun and games. Please don’t take any of this seriously. If anyone out there is offended, know that that was not my intention, and you shouldn’t be. I’m not serious. But in case you still are, I apologize for bring about such a mood on you.]

I gotta go now;I’m exhaaausteeed.


Crazy, Chocolate, and Cookies,


Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei- Discussion & Gushing on Episode VII

[Spoilers will be present in this post!]
You have been warned.

First thing to gush about- Ze Crimson Prince! (Ep VII- The Appearance of the Red Head)
From the most recent installment in Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei~

So this guy FINALLY goddamn had a cameo after SEVEN episodes of waiting for his badass arrival! All these red heads from this anime season are pretty awesome. Yeah, I’m talking to you, Sora ❤

But this is about THIS prince <333

Dat Blood Red Uniform.

I saw him in the theme song and instantly knew this guy was going to be my favorite character. I have hence been waiting desperately for his appearance in the show!

And after every disappointment so far, Alya and I plotted gruesome murders of the creators of this show because 1. Red Head wasn’t in the show yet, and 2. Tatsuya hasn’t shown us his epic fighting skills, not all of them, and not a single fight has occured that has pushed him to his limits.

But now that the Crimson Prince is here…that may change very, veryyy soon.

Especially since they just showed that this guy is from another magical high school, and a very…morbid? Realistic? Deathly? Dark? one at that.

I mean- Red Uniform. The first scene he’s shown in, he’s drenched in a pool of blood! That’s why his uniform is red, I tell ya =/

But, gooosh, they showed him next, in the shower- but course they didn’t show all of that, they just showed his wet feet, and then his wet head. But he was shown wrapped up in just a towel after that. Which was when he did a HAIR FLIP THINGIE. Damn.

He swooshed his hair back dramatically, discussing their rivals.

Rivals obviously being Tatsuya and Miyuki!

Ah, right, I said ‘their’. There was this little vampire Seedot present too. This shortay.

Shortie Vampire Seedot

And now, here’s a seedot for comparison’s sake.

Seedot (Pokemon, Gen II, I believe.)

Anyhoo, I think some background is needed.

Mr. Vampire Seedot and Cool Evil Villain were discussing the news of how there was a bomb attack at Mahouka Koukou (Tatsuya’s magic school.) and how it’s rumored to have been caused by terrorists (that was not the case at all, but just a cover up. It’s amazing how terrorists are used as a cover up story in a fictional story xD ). And that’s when Red Head asked if their ‘rivals’ were safe. Which they were. And that’s when the end credit thing scene ended with the appearance of the anime’s logo, exceeept it wasn’t the actual logo! It was in the same design, color, font, and everything, but it said something different. It said “Nine School Tournament.” Which implies that there may just be a contest between nine magic high schools and two confirmed schools participating would be Tatsuya’s and this Red Head’s! That would also make us audience fantasize about the fight scene between Tatsuya and Red Head in the theme song to occur in that next contest- when they both probably make it to some finals of a magic duel contest. Or something of the sort.

They both have guns too ❤

Now one last picture before I move on…

Proceed to drool?

Now, other stuff that must be addressed in this episode!

1. The appearance of the Evil Yotsuba Aunt;

So her face is revealed to us after seeing just a quick glance at her physique when Tatsuya and Miyuki were discussing her some three episodes back. She looks so MUCH like Miyuki! Her hair does, as does her facial features- but those EYES. So evil, and neon PURPLE. Mesmerizing, and yet the kind of eyes that send shivers down your spine. The kind you know it’ll be a very bad move to get on the wrong side of, and to anger. Those kind of eyes.

Pluus she mentioned how Tatsuya’s Miyuki’s guardian. And on hearing that a few theories and ideas popped into my head.

One, Tatsuya’s actually a few years older than Miyuki, a twenty year old, and was adopted to protect her and serve as her body guard. I don’t think this is the case, but something else it, since the age difference isn’t something I expect from this anime, nor something I can see them doing.

Yet this is what I think happened. Two, Tatsuya’s as old as he’s portrayed to be, yet joins the military for whatever family reasons at a very young age. After proving his aptitude with his fighting magic, and sheer intelligence, he ascends the ranks at an alarming speed. It’s then when the Yotsuba family realize they need a body guard for Miyuki, possibly after a breech in security or an attack attempt/assassination attempt on her. Either way, they are somehow directed towards hiring one from the army, and after finding out about Tatsuya’s age and his skill, they adopt him.

They then, three, either decide that it’d be safest for Miyuki to go into hiding- no, wait. I think Miyuki herself decides this with Tatsuya after falling for him, and they run away, trying to hide their strong affiliations with this family, and to try having normal lives.

Or four, Tatsuya convinces the family that it’d be in the best intrest of the family if they let him take care of Miyuki by himself, away from the family, and under the pretense that she isn’t an ojou-sama.

Either way, they end up together, living a life their own, until now, where the Yotsuba family is thinking of intervening…

AND- that does however confirm one thing to me. The two really aren’t related. Or at least, that’s my theory.

2. Tatsuya finally acted awkward!

Near the end, he put his hand on Miyuki’s lower back. And he did so suuuper awkwardly to me. I thought he was going to put his arm around her waist, but he just didn’t. Too romantic? Perhaps…But then in the next scene, he  was directing her to walk away with him, and so I though he should’ve done so by putting his  hand on her upper back, on her shoulder blade region. Very normal. Usually a very authoritative and protective thing to do- not romantic. But he didn’t. Even attempting to grab her ass would’ve been more normal! (And he would’ve swooned.) But he just rested his entire hand on her lower back instead. What a Casanova.

3. This anime stole my AAA! Or at least copied it! =Y

They stole my AAA- The Awesome Asian Alliance- and made a carbon copy of it as the “Great Asian Alliance”. Pfft, the GAA. Grr. It’s MY super hero league, not yours! Damn them.

4. I sort of forgive them.

Not for stealing my League’s name. Nuh-uh. But for making us wait so looong for an epic fight sequence involving Tatsuya at his best. Granted, he wasn’t at his best, but he still actually used his gun to shoot someone, and more than ONCE.

Plus there was loads of cool swords action from Kirihara, the Magic Kendo Club Capt. I seriously forgave them just because I prefer the sword action over the guns.

And that brings me to a discussion, an announcement that is about another anime.

On second thought, I’ll just post that as a seperate post so as not to merge these two different anime together.

Be back soon~



A Long Break, and a Hilarious Dub

So I have a break in my CIEs. A loooong break. A twenty day long break, to be exact. And after which, I have my Physics practical. A day break, and then my Chemistry one. After which I have something around six days, then my Chemistry MCQs, another day gap, then lastly and finally, my Physics MCQs.

Haah, the papers with all the writing are overrr! There’s no more Maths ( =( ), and there’s no more theorieessss~!

Moving on…

I found something hilarious yesterday. As you know, I’ve been wathing Yu-Gi-Oh! for the first time. And I remembered earlier in the school year, Zara and I were discussing it. She mentioned watching an abridged of it. And I recalled this last night, at around one am, after I forced Que to watch three episodes of No Game No Life. (He fell in love with it, evidently.) That’s how  I found the Yugioh Abridged series by LittleKurioboh. And it’s damn hilaaaarious~!

Must watch for anyone that’s scene Yu-Gi-Oh!

Although it’s really tough to find all the videos on youtube, since apparently LittleKuriboh got banned or something, and all the playlists of the series were deleted/the videos were deleted/removed. So I googled it, and found a site with the complete videos on them! There’s this one too, but the order of the vids all jumbled up, as far as I can tell.

If you ever wanted to know why Yugi’s such a hobbit, why Tristen’s in this show in the first place, and what is up with Joey’s accent, you should totally watch this. It also explains why there are but only two female characters in the entire show, plus, why Mai can never beat Joey. Who is Taya gonna end up falling for? Why is Bokura a British prick? And much muuuch more!

Now I guess I’ll recycle my sexy transformation sequence!
(Something along those lines) -Yugi, Yugioh Abridged.





Quote of the Day- In Picture Form

Quote of the Day- In Picture Form

*snap snap*

If you don’t get that, or haven’t ever heard of it, PLEASE just click on the picture as soon as is physically possible, and then watch this classical and timelessly brilliant show! (Although this picture isn’t from the original show, still.)

Here, have a wonderful quote I can completely get.

I love Morticia ❤ And I love this show! I can’ wait til my exams are over so I can rewatch it =)

Maybe I’ll watch it now…? I do have a huge gap until my next CIE afterall…

But, anyhoo, enjoy this quote. Think, ponder, dream, and question.
It’ll just make you a little bit cooler. In my opinion.


New Anime Started from this Season- Reviews, Picture, and Obsessions

This season’s got some seriously cool anime that’s just released. I’ve been watching and trying quite a few, and I’m loving what I’ve seen so far. Here are the names of a few I started, and what I think of them so far. Whether I plan on continuing them or not, some picture, and a few that are just so damn ADORABLE that I’m already obsessed after one episode. (I’ll get to that.)

I Akuma no Riddle- Started it, mentioned it in my last anime related post. Watching it, and I’ll finish it too, as it is only given thirteen or twelve episodes. It’s alright, and I’m mostly watching it for the action and the animation. It’s not entirely my kind of anime.

II Broken Blade/Break Blade-

Started it just a few days ago, and I’ll continue it only for the reason that it’s a mecha anime, and I’ve never really seen one before. It’s story is pretty interesting too, so yay. It’s animation is a little different from what I’m used to and prefer, but it’s not bad, it’s still actually good.

III Nobunaga the Fool-

Only seen the first episode, a bit more of mecha, and yet I like it’s fantasy story much more. It’s got a prophecy involved, a lady of shallot hearing whispers, and even THE KING ARTHUR! In a semi futuristic setting not on Earth, I am so watching this.

IV No Game No Life- Current obsession!


And I’m so glad the main dude is such a badass red head, since the one in Mouhouka Koukou no Rettousei certainly isn’t even revealed to us yet, so we can’t see his badassery… Ahem, so yeah, Sora is awesome. Love him already ❤

Badass Sora

Adorable Little Sister- Shiro

The animation to this show is superb and it’s very SAO, except so far, the two siblings actually don’t want to return home. I like that plot twist. And I can’t wait to see what happens next!! Crap, I really shouldn’t have started this anime the day before a CIE…



In Honor of Ze Original Ruby

In Honor of Ze Original Ruby

Pokemon Ruby, one of the two first Hoenn Pokemon gameboy games.
And now, years and years later, Nintendo finally confirms and releases an official announcement declaring that they are coding a remake of those beautiful games.

The Hoenn games are my all time favorite. MY first Pokemon game was Emerald (my dad didn’t let me buy the other older gamecolor, nor the older Pokemon games. I got Emerald as a gift.), and ever since, I fell in love with Hoenn. I’ve bought like six Sapphires, and a Ruby. I have played the games simply that many times.

That’s why I’m ecstatic about these new games.

Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. I will buy them and finish them. And then I’ll buy another Ruby and finish that beautiful classical Pokemon gem.

Click the picture to go to the official Pokemon site to view some more details on the games.

Just CIE Things- and Distractions.


CIE. A-levels. At university level. Eeps.

To say the least.

But I’m in the middle of my exams, and I’d like to add a few things I am currently obsessed with in different amounts. Varying from using day and night, to just to pass the time. Precious time that should not be wasted at that…

So here we go.

Anime (of course, the largest category);

I Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei

  Genre- Magic, Fantasy, Action (and yet uptil now there’s been a SEVERE lack of it on Tatsuya’s part!! =Y ), School Life, Comedy, Romance, futuristic, Sci-Fi, Technology.  Some incest jokes, and implied incest.

II Black Bullet  

 Genre- Action (duh), has a loli (not a genre, but still must be said for some people.), some Comedy, Thriller, Post Apocalypse, End of the World Scenario, Sci-fi, Futuristic.

III Akuma no Riddle

^Whoa, that’s a huge pic =P

Genre- Yuri (lesbian content)(so far, soft, and not anything vulgar. Not even kissing so far, but it’s only been 6 episodes.), Action, Psychological, School Life, Assassins.

IV Yu-Gi-Oh!

Which one?? The FIRST one. And no, this isn’t a nostalgic I’m-gonna-watch-old-childhood-stuff-again at all. I never saw it as a kid. So on the insistence of Zaid, and many many Duel Monsters vs Yu-Gi-Oh! debates, I decided to give it a shot. No picture, because, ew, animation from 2000.

Side note V- HunterxHunter

I am now finally up to date on HxH~! Woot Woot! Only problem is, now I’m dying for the new eps *-*

On to other stuff now…Like,

VI A Korean Drama- The Bride of the Century

And now, the best scene that had me die of laughter-

Peeing Granny

^The scene where Kang Ju’s Granny peed on Doo Rim~! xD

VII Teen Wolf

Sorry, but it’s exams time. And the theme song never fails to make me burst into laughter. I mean, Scott McCaw, the flying werewolf. It’s just too damn swagtastic.

But the stories all about Stiles now <3333 AND they added Japanese stuff to it! Like characters, mythological creatures, and even the Yakuza. I mean, it’s got the Nine Tailed Fox in it. #Naruto #Kitsune

VIII New Girl

Yeaahh…I never liked it, but Exam Hype has crippled my brain and tricked it into finding it amusing currently. Weird.

IX Don’t Trust the B—- in Apt 23!

Another TV show I started, and it’s funny, despite the  jokes being just a tad too adult for my taste.

And the rest are other anime I may be starting soon, and what not.

Like Durarara!, Dragonar Academy, Letter Bee Academy, and others I’ve forgotten right now. Oi, I’m sleeeepy. Excuse enough.

So that’s my so far distraction list! I may have forgotten a few, but oh wyell. I’ll add more if they arise. I hope note. I need to study all that I can now.


Crazy, Chocolate, and Cookies,
