Date Night at the Wall

Last night was a big deal at the wall. A much awaited day finally arrived. Forget about Valentine’s day because it was *pause for dramatic effect* Date Night at the Wall.

Ever since Qarni told us about this crazy event, I’ve been pretty curious about it. You know, after I laughed my breath away. I mean, what do they even do?? Do the couples partner up and one belays the other to a race to the top? Or does the couple compete against each other- do they climb until the cave to make out?? How does this even work???

Well, whatever it was, I wasn’t about to see it first hand since it’s on a Friday and I don’t climb then. But we thought Qarni would totallyyyy go.

Which she sort of dropped by, but because Hibah was taking forever giving her CAD quiz and I had already attempted to quench my boredom by registering to vote, I tagged along (only to run into Fried on our way out, so we dragged her there too).

And found ourselves at Date Night at the Wall! ❤

When we got there, they were still setting things up. Like LOLLIPOPS! Tapped to the wall at different places, and a bunch of other questions on slips of neon pink paper for “speed dating”.

And after it was all set up, we just hung around there. And it kinda….was an event more for them than anyone else really. Everyone was joking around aiming these little foam dart things. Michelle stood at the top of the wall (tied in, of course) and was aiming at people down below. There was a giant pink heart taped high up on the wall that was Elliot’s life goal to hit. (I think the poor guy hit everything besides.)

There were a bunch of people I hadn’t seen before there. For one, I now know who man-bun Jasper is. He IS as hipster as everyone says. There was also Marco, who’s apparently super short. And speaking of short, there was Chottu Chaddi that was so short, I think he might be my height. Now that’s short. (Marco is supposedly shorter, but I just reeeaaally wanted to tease this guy instead. Not mocking is so hard.) Anyways, high light of the day person we met- we finally got introduced to Luke, the giant. Which is also why when Chottu jumped up to high five him I was jumping up and down trying to refrain from that previously mentioned teasing I was dying to do. It didn’t help that there was a lack of Jeffthehuman, but no lack of his bad music. *Siiiigh* so much teasing that could’ve been done.

Anyways, after meeting so many of the people that worked there that Hibah and I hadn’t seen before, we realized it was incredibly hard talking about them when they were present even in Urdu. So Hibah and I took it upon ourselves to come up with some code names on the pace bus ride home yesterday such aaaas:

I Unathees (29)
II Patloon
III Kholoud’s BFF
IV Unathees ki passand wali
V Chottu/ Chaddi
VI We have yet to come up with one for Taco.

And that’s that~

Hibah climbed and got me a lollipop, read some of the questions, and upon getting down told us some of their dating gems. “What’s your favourite childhood toy?” “How long have you been climbing?””Do you wanna get ice cream after this climb?”

Honestly, I don’t see how there are still single people at the wall.

the magical as hell snowman





Boredom, Pens, and Why not?

Today was one of those boring ish days that just seemed to drag on and oooon to the point where you forget any good reason to keep sticking to your schedule. That feeling plus being free after 2 pm once jumma3 was over, I was just…sitting in the lounge. And it was cool since I hadn’t in quite the while. I gotta talk to loads of my friends like Rehan and Nooria and when Qarni showed up- we did totally lie like barbarians atop a sofa in the corner as lazy bums but that doesn’t happen the both of us. (At the same time.)

Anyhoo, we eventually moved back to our Circle of Couches and chilled there which is how I spotted some stall type thing in the corner. But it wasn’t in the normal bake sale bonanza corner, it was the one opposite it. I know, unheard of.

So when Qarni told me it was to get students registered to vote, I was interested. Especially since I wanted to the one other time when aarcc had a stall set up, but I had class then and didn’t make it in time. Sooo I spent like five minutes trying to find the right information I needed before I approached the stall (which I never even needed but oh well).

I pretty much thought “eh, I’m bored so why not?” because Hibah was indefinitely in her CAD quiz so I had no idea how long I was stuck there until.

I find it amusing though that Qarni asked if I was registered to vote and after hearing my “no” response she just semi already reached the conclusion I wasn’t a citizen capable of voting xD

[Which was a fun conversation stater when I approached the people promoting voting. “Hi, I’m kinda here for that.” A few lines into the conversation and “Yeah, she doubted my citizenship so now I’m here.” Said completely matter of factly xD

The “OHH”s I got from that though. Mhmm.


This girl seemingly incharge gave me a clipboard with a pen to fill out the form and this one other guy sort of just went “hey, want another pen?” and being me, I clearly said yes and shoved it behind my ear after they joked about me using both to fill out the form. Which I just walked away with. Phattar tried to get me to return it but I clawed out of her reach and hid it in my bag. It was awesome.

So now I await my confirmation in the mail and see how it goes :3

Don’t I get a sticker or something for even this step towards the actual voting?

the magical as hell snowman


High School Musical Anniversary

High School Musical. A must watch Disney movie from our childhood. But has it really been that long? YES, apparently it has.

The 20th of Jan 2016 was High School Musical’s TEN YEAR ANNIVERSARY. Like, whaaaat. I can’t believe it’s been that long! #HSM10

I’ve literally grown up singing these songs and dreaming of high school being nearly half as cool as these movies- which, not to brag, but I think I managed quite easily xD

So as I sit here typing this and simultaneously put off scanning my calc III homework and listening to the songs from the movies, I’m reminicing all the wonderful moments High School Music has just had HAPPEN.

Be it mocking the movies once upon a time (only to embrace the pure brilliance that this franchise is and appreciate it as I should), making wonderful references, or being thrilled that my high school mascot was originally a Snow Leapard, which was to me, pretty damn close to a Wild Cat- how close? CLOSE ENOUGH. Oi, I DID have the same school colors as East High, so there is that~!

Anyyyways, the cast attempted to have a reunion, but since Zac Efron’s not there, it doesn’t count. But it still sorta happened- and he did send in a video, so there’s that. But I want a REAL reunion- and sooooon~!

I actually only found out about the reunion by stumbling across it on youtube, but this is the one I watched:

And because that wasn’t enough, I ended up also watching just this today which I think is a pretty cool compilation of some fun facts and did you knows from the movies :3

OH MY GOSH ❤ I wanna rewatch it again soooooon ❤ ❤ Even though I just marathonned the movies like a little over two months ago- oh well. I know what I’m doing this weekend 😀

Basically, to quote the last movie,
“I just hope the rest of my life
will feel as good as my
High School Musical.
Who says we have to let it go?
It’s the best part we’ve ever known
Step into the future
But hold on to High School Musical
Let’s celebrate where we come from
The friends who’ve been there all along, just like…
High School, High School Musical~!” ❤

the magical as hell snowman