High School Musical Anniversary

High School Musical. A must watch Disney movie from our childhood. But has it really been that long? YES, apparently it has.

The 20th of Jan 2016 was High School Musical’s TEN YEAR ANNIVERSARY. Like, whaaaat. I can’t believe it’s been that long! #HSM10

I’ve literally grown up singing these songs and dreaming of high school being nearly half as cool as these movies- which, not to brag, but I think I managed quite easily xD

So as I sit here typing this and simultaneously put off scanning my calc III homework and listening to the songs from the movies, I’m reminicing all the wonderful moments High School Music has just had HAPPEN.

Be it mocking the movies once upon a time (only to embrace the pure brilliance that this franchise is and appreciate it as I should), making wonderful references, or being thrilled that my high school mascot was originally a Snow Leapard, which was to me, pretty damn close to a Wild Cat- how close? CLOSE ENOUGH. Oi, I DID have the same school colors as East High, so there is that~!

Anyyyways, the cast attempted to have a reunion, but since Zac Efron’s not there, it doesn’t count. But it still sorta happened- and he did send in a video, so there’s that. But I want a REAL reunion- and sooooon~!

I actually only found out about the reunion by stumbling across it on youtube, but this is the one I watched:

And because that wasn’t enough, I ended up also watching just this today which I think is a pretty cool compilation of some fun facts and did you knows from the movies :3

OH MY GOSH ❤ I wanna rewatch it again soooooon ❤ ❤ Even though I just marathonned the movies like a little over two months ago- oh well. I know what I’m doing this weekend 😀

Basically, to quote the last movie,
“I just hope the rest of my life
will feel as good as my
High School Musical.
Who says we have to let it go?
It’s the best part we’ve ever known
Step into the future
But hold on to High School Musical
Let’s celebrate where we come from
The friends who’ve been there all along, just like…
High School, High School Musical~!” ❤

the magical as hell snowman



Blame the Internet: an Apology, Exams, and a Ban

First, an Apology. im SO SO SOOOO SORRYYYY. i havent exactly been updating this thing for a loooooong tiiime. im sowwy >.<

I have excuses, believe me, i do! its like the universe, life, and everything else (ie, 42) are trying their hardest to stop me…well, first the internet sucks. its biased and mean. a true typical hollywood bully =( and as ive complained about it multiple times previously to this post, i shant do it again. atleast not now. and two, the laptop broke down.  and i absolutely refuse to type on an ipad. it kills your wrists and then you cant draw! and my not being able to draw- weeelll, im not about to let it happen, now or ever!

So how am i typing this out? well, ive kind stoled my dads laptop and am trying it out now. its just IMPOSSIBLE to use for me. first, its waaay too big, and ive somehow alread managed to close this tab twice. and i hope there isnt a third time…

ignoring my constant rants that few of you have probably missed, who am i kidding, ive got no readers =( *sniff*, back to the main point!

i apologise now for my extreme lack of updates. although, i do have an alt. ive complied a documentation, a journal, if you will, of all the going ons of life and shit as i know it to put here once i have the time after my exams. yes, on paper. and as the concept of an actual tangible diary (NOT a diary. a journal.) may be hard/impossible for many people to grasp, its there. and i did write one. a journal. hee hee.

kaaay, so updates about that journal, laterrrrr. summer vacation, wohoo!

soo. EXAMS. due to which my parents have banned me from the internet, the ipad, the laptop, video games (all excluding that ONE pokemon game i just cant find…(platninum)), emails, fb, 9gag, and at some point, my phone. bleh. i myself have banned myself from reading new books so to satisfy my thirst for reading, im rereading old books of mine. like the charlie bone series. i found out NOW, my second time only reading the series, that i havent actually read the ENTIRE series. i mean, sure, i knew i skipped the first book, but i didnt know there was an EIGHTH one!! and now that im done with that, im reading alex rider. again. bleh =P

soooo ive got two weeks til my exams start…and then they end on the 30th of May. cant wait. til the 30th, not the 7th..er, yeaaah.

so up. the apology…oh and an apology in advance since i wont be back here til the 30th! sorryyyyy.

Whats there to look forward to when i do get back, HMMM?! well, im glad you asked!

stuff like my recent dream where i became bros with batman, and the very awkward moment (so awkward that when im next asked in truth or dare, and ive been dared to pick truth, ill have to answer with this) with my childhood bro, ishi, and the science fair fail of the 6th and 7th graders that i attended, the Farewell function/my graduating thing, the drama of the couples in my group of friends, and much much more. i also had a dream where goku and vegeta become knights in shinning armor and asist me in defeating the Bloors of Bloors Academy (from charlie bone. get my references, people, plz!?).

now that you know i have not been holding out on the craziness and insanity and randomness of my actual life, stay tuned!

[uuuuggggh. i just realized im gonna have SOOO muuuuuuch to typpppe ouuuut nooowww…bleeeeh. im laaaazyyyyy alreaddyy just thinking about it..]

Buh-Bye! And wish me luck/pray/whatever that i get GREAT grades =P

laterrrr, y’all!