High School Musical Anniversary

High School Musical. A must watch Disney movie from our childhood. But has it really been that long? YES, apparently it has.

The 20th of Jan 2016 was High School Musical’s TEN YEAR ANNIVERSARY. Like, whaaaat. I can’t believe it’s been that long! #HSM10

I’ve literally grown up singing these songs and dreaming of high school being nearly half as cool as these movies- which, not to brag, but I think I managed quite easily xD

So as I sit here typing this and simultaneously put off scanning my calc III homework and listening to the songs from the movies, I’m reminicing all the wonderful moments High School Music has just had HAPPEN.

Be it mocking the movies once upon a time (only to embrace the pure brilliance that this franchise is and appreciate it as I should), making wonderful references, or being thrilled that my high school mascot was originally a Snow Leapard, which was to me, pretty damn close to a Wild Cat- how close? CLOSE ENOUGH. Oi, I DID have the same school colors as East High, so there is that~!

Anyyyways, the cast attempted to have a reunion, but since Zac Efron’s not there, it doesn’t count. But it still sorta happened- and he did send in a video, so there’s that. But I want a REAL reunion- and sooooon~!

I actually only found out about the reunion by stumbling across it on youtube, but this is the one I watched:

And because that wasn’t enough, I ended up also watching just this today which I think is a pretty cool compilation of some fun facts and did you knows from the movies :3

OH MY GOSH ❤ I wanna rewatch it again soooooon ❤ ❤ Even though I just marathonned the movies like a little over two months ago- oh well. I know what I’m doing this weekend 😀

Basically, to quote the last movie,
“I just hope the rest of my life
will feel as good as my
High School Musical.
Who says we have to let it go?
It’s the best part we’ve ever known
Step into the future
But hold on to High School Musical
Let’s celebrate where we come from
The friends who’ve been there all along, just like…
High School, High School Musical~!” ❤

the magical as hell snowman



A Different Kind of Finals Week

Last week and this week are when the final episodes of the Autumn season of anime are being released. What kind of finals week were you expecting me to talk about?

Onwards to discussing in no particular order baqwaas/terrible endings. [Spoiler Alert!]

I Diabolik Lovers More Blood

Okay, so this anime short is a total guilty pleasure and I totally called what happened in its final when ranting to my brother about the show. Basically, there’s no plot the first season, so when somehow the show got a second season, the producers probably thought if they wanted  a third season, they’d better get started on some ideas for a plot. So at an attempt to have a story line, they threw in whatever they felt like, which ended up being too much to conclude in twelve episodes. So they just…didn’t. Yeah, the show ends with the Mukami and Sakamaki brothers sort of realizing that they need to work together to fix the second major conflict (which they don’t, so there might be hope/fear? for a third season).

II Dance with Devils

Man, this is definitely one of those anime that I categorize as so bad that it’s good. It’s so utterly terrible that even though its not at all intended to be watched for comedy, it does indeed entertain one with that genre in mind. This anime is a stereotypical demons versus vampire supernatural anime with musical numbers. Yes, you read that right. The characters spontaneously burst into song, complete with costume change and different settings. It’s wonderful.

It’s ending of course was as successful as its (nonexistent) seriousness to the plot. Ritsuka is saved, blah blah, time to get to the important part: Rem confesses to her and she confirms that the feeling’s mutual. Magically and suddenly, Lindo is totally cool with their relationship and decides that he will protect Ritsuka from afar, loving her continuously. But Rem then declares how now that there’s no Grimoire to chase after (yeah, it suddenly disappears after midnight. It’s not like everyone was desperately worrying about it for eleven episodes. No biggie.), he no longer has any reason to stay in the human world (um, Ritsuka?). So he invites Ritsuka to come live with him in the demon world (which she can cuz she have devil). Ritsuka must not question why Rem can’t just live with her, but must now choose between her world and his.

Plot twist/no surprise there after her episodal breakdowns about wanting to be human and living in the human world: she chooses to live as a human in the human world.

Rem leaves and she goes back to being a normal, boring human teenager (which she was told she could never become again since she was half demon but whatever).

The end.

III Star Mu/ High School Star Musical

More musicals! Also stamped with my its so bad its good label, Star Mu is the Free! (Iwatobi Swim club) of music. With less plot, less female characters, much more music, and unintended comedy, this show is a must watch if you can tolerate a bad anime and appreciate its failure.


It was the first musical anime I saw of this season (or ever, maybe?) and its spur of the moment musicals are, as Ayesha puts it, “next level”. I mean, when there’s a character riding a giant magical whale dolphin hybrid and singing, you know shit’s real.

And although I haven’t really discussed its lack of an ending, I’d really like to end on that magestic note. I mean, look at that picture. What more could you want in life? (Except a second season? Which they sorta implied, so fingers crossed? xD )
