A lil’ Story about a Charles and a Miss C

So I finished Paper Towns by John Green yesterday. But thats not what thats about. thats where this BEGAN. So here we go, and only wait to see where we shall end up. Let the way my brain works fascinate and baffle you now.

So Paper Towns. Johh Green. Discussing with Shallot. But then, we start discussing book collaborations, like WIll Grayson, WIll Grayson. Where, according to ayesha, the authos collaborated in a mind-boggingly brilliant way. They both name their characters Will Grayson. Thats all with the collaboration. They then just move on and write their own stories, of two different characters, two different entities, two different minds and bodies. They just share the same name. and then the two meet.

and up til that meeting, they dont show each other their work. Their writing, their stories of their WIll Grayson so far. And so that’s what we are doing. Ayesha and I are writing a small or short story (haha, lets just SEE how short itll be with me writing half of it =P) and were collaborating like that. with just a name to know. but we did collaborate a bit more, so the stories can mesh more, and since we arent proffesional authors like the authors of Will Grayson, Will Grayson, we decided to share some information about the characters to each other. Like how one shall be a girl, the other a dude. Im writing in the point of view of the dude, obviously. and ayeshas doing the chick. and so then we’ve got the shared name, as well as the shared age (17, junior in high school.) Ah, but the name. We decided on Taylor and then i rapidfire last names (DeLucas and Rosenfield were shot down =( ) and i said Sharbatski, like Robin Sharbatski, from How I met Your Mother. Wohoo. so now weve got Taylor Sharbatski. and then i threw in one other common ground…they should have the same letter middle name, but we should give them different middle names. So we decided on the letter C. this will also make it possible for us to distinguish between our two characters. (ahem, besides the fact that they are both of different genders…)

SO my dudes named Taylor Charles Sharbatski. and hes going to be the funny main character with a serious and philosophical best friend. and hes going to have the annoying ability of being that american (gora, HAH.) boy that shall randomly and spontaneously ‘put on airs’ with the assistance of a fake british accent, wohoo!

(shallot was actually worried that i wouldnt be able to find a dude middle name that began with the letter C. I said into the phone, around 3 seconds after she said that ‘Charles’. and that is the end of that.)

So her characters Taylor C. Sharbatski, a little Miss C to me, since i dont yet know her middle name. and thats that.

Our characters will both be in the wonderful continent of the United States of America, and shall both be- i forgot. no, i SERIOUSLY forgot. .____. oh nuo.

oh wait, no i remember. this is the part where i explain how we non-proffesional writers shall be going about this collabortation. were doing a short story, remember, so its going to be 5 chapters each. with no limit as to how long each chapter can be, which works perfectly for the both of us. and then after we make it to the third chapter, we shall read each others works so that we can see the stories and life of the other Taylor C. Sharbatski. Then we shall collaborate and find a way to make the two meet some where in their lives. and then well take the story somewhere from there. yeah, well totally cross that bridge when we get there.

I suggested we have the two meet on a school trip and have them get the wrong keys to the other Taylors room. that could be fun. (haha, i can see Miss C walk in on the serious philosophical friend reading Moby Dick and just be like ‘da hell..?’ and i can TOTALLY see Charles turn around in a swivel chair, close a book he was supposedly reading (upsidedown), and say ‘ive been expecting you…’ only to have Miss C’s roomie walk in, whos a girl, duh. The look on his face when he sees a girl walk in will be hilarious. he could fall out of his chair and be like ‘thank the lord!’ in his head. Oh, if im narrating. and if we do that. la la la~)

So now i have to decide whether i want to type this out HERE or on my laptop, on MS word. thing is, i really hate MS word =/ but ill need a constant internet connection on this thing, so i  might not be able to do it as often, like when the nets down, or at school, or whatever. bleh. so lets just see.

But yeah. Writing a storyyyy, yeah!

Crazy, Chocolate, and Cookies,


Ze Super Senses Revealed

Remember how i was supposed to talk about some epic powers of mine? After looong periods of consideration, i think even if i share just a few powers with the general public, ill still have enough hidden up my yellow sleeve for fighting crime unexpectedly and effeciently. So, general public, brace yourself with the few powers i shall care to explain to you and tell you a tad bit about.

Here we go.

In this little interview, or revelation, i shall only be talking about Super Senses. Like, how Spiderman’s got Spider Sence. Ah, but a super sense makes not a Superhero. I am the Mint Chutney, but my super sense doesnt involve either mint or chutney in the least. instead, it involves much cooler, desi things thatll through all criminals and masterminds of evil off. What to expect then?

Well, youll know to expect something like #FruitChaatSenses. Yup, Ive got tingling Fruit Chaat senses. They go off whenever anything i can detect does. er, thats a pretty sucky expo…um, lets try that again..If i feel like somethings wrong, and it doesnt necesarrily have to be, or if im acting on a whim or just trusting my gut and instincts (many more people need to accept this pearl of wisdom- just shush, stop tedding out, just dont THINK. just do. not entirely in the way Barney intended, but rather, just ignore your brain freaking out sometimes. go on feeling and instincts instead. i do pretty often. and it works out very well for me. for the most part. haha. hee hee. er, ok, moving on…). So that would be this sense. and other stuff falls under it too, but i shall explain that better when i can. expressionism is what i often lack =/

HAH. ‘My thoughts are stars i cannot fathom into constellations.’ YESH. dat quote came uuuuup. wohoo.

The other power super sense would be… *druuuum rooolll*…. Masala Masti Senses! Or, Masala Senses. Now, these ones really DO tingle. cuz its when i smell something that i say im using these sense. Oooh, logic. Throws almost ALL them villians off. Muahahahaha. wait, no, im supposed to be the GOOD guy. oh well, i AM evil-sih. Go leader of the Triple A, yeaaah!

Now masala senses might also mean stuff like shivering and almost tingling of any sort really, not necessarily sniffing and smelling (and sneezing.) Oh, but sometimes when i use this power i become a polar bear. and heinous crimes like littering become seals. so itd be like

snow…snow..sno- SEAL!! (smosh…polar bear in our mail?!)

but if im using this power, my noses smelling abilities are evidently enhanced. and everyones elses sucks. yay! cuz all they can smell near me shall be masala. hence the sneezing ^_^

buuut theres also that coolio thing about this particular smelling ability. i cans smell food up to double polar bear away =O be impressed. (random fact- Polar bears can smell seals up to 20 miles away.) so thisd be FOURTY miles. daaaym thats a LOT of coverage for an even more A LOT of fooooood ❤

im hungry now =( and im still sick…ish. or ateast, Ze is. The Mint Chutney is invincible.

Fight crime, never Jay-walk, Eat all your vegetables, and NEVAR LITERRR!

-The Mint Chutney
Desi to the Extreme

What if One Googles Irish…?

So i was hit with this memory of seeing this one 9gag post where a dude had googled ‘the most british picture on the internet’, hit images, and saw the first picture that caused the post to be born. It was Mr. Bean, riding a horse, on a black Sedan-like Mercedez Benez and the Big Ben in the background with the queen waving in a corner, the union jack everywhere, that epic Royal Guard with their red uniform and black furry skyscrapper hats…and other stuff i cant recall =P

SO i wanted to google something like that too =) but German was pretty expectable, with those bartenderish chicks with huge boobs in green plaid dresses and braided up hair and white lace. Holding alotta beer, in those huuuge, tall and glass mugs. And then id already seen the american one- i shall now proceed to find it since it was REALLY hilarious. both, actually. if i do find them, i shall post them in here too. hang on. lemmeh get mah google on ^_^

WO-o-ooW. I just googled ‘the most american picture ever’ and there are just too many good ones!! So ive put some of the best ones. Yay =3

Now, this was the first one, and i think its pretty epic. who wouldnt?

bad george washington, trying to copy natsumi and shit

^Badass Washington. Copying Natsumi and shit (Luka) (from Alice Academy.)

Now the rest are just too cool to be ignored. Like Honest Abe here in the top left corner, on a bear…

come at me, bro! said Honest Abe

'Merica Since

^The eagles got lazer eyes…different colored lazer eyes O.o and theres Captain America, very nice, oh, look! Wooven bacon. now that IS american =P

Dat Hamburger

^Two words. Dat Hamburger. *Ham Burger. *three words. he he he, woops =P

Now, fair warning, the next ones explicit with some chicks in bikinis. avert your eyes now if you mind or find it indecent or whatever. scroll fast, fast! Theres still the British photos i gotta post with the Doctor and the Queen…


^Is Lady Liberty brandishing a lightsaber? Wickeeeeeed.

And, aplty enough with the wicked (Ron Weasleyyy~!), onwards to Great Britain!

The most british thing everrr!

^And here she is, the most British picture. Its got The Doctor, Her Majesty in a photoshopped jearesy, what i assume to be an incomplete Union Jack on her face, and the Royal Guard, course. And atleast one pair of monocles. And a Cocker Spaniel, i think? well, whatever, dat dog. and tea. mhmm. clear pass. its also got Sherlock so alls right in the universe ❤

now just for one other coolio Brit pic i found. And this ones got Harry Potter, Mary Poppins, and even 007, my senior partner in beating up crime. atleast, when im 003.


And nooow, finallyy, to move on to the POINT of this post in the first place. What came up when i googled ‘the most Irish picture ever on the internet?’ THIS.


^ZE CATS IN AN IRISHY GREEN LEPRECHAUN HAT!! and theres another kitteh tooo! ❤ aaaaand lookie at all that green, and THEM SHAMLOCKS everywhere! im in love with this pictuuuure. D’aaaw =)

[Perfectly, its got snowflakes on the table cloth too <333]

the cool as hell snowman that inspires everyone and anyone

(Not so Much) Poetry Insipired by Sickitude

So i was planning out a sick song in my head just now, and thought- hey, i should record it, and just post it here.

as future me can recall quite vividly, im sure, and if not, this account should shed some light on the memories that i get quite a bit, well, wonky when sick.

like willy wonka wonky. (HA HA. arent i funneh?)

anyhoo, im lamer than usual (i typoed lamer as lamber and i was seriously considering leaving it like that for a second and then making a bad pun about going for the lion rather than the lamb. yes, i had a pll marathon yesterday, duuh.) and weirder and crazier and make NO SENSE AT ALL.

but rather than reminece about such stories of the past where i have embarrassed myself expertly and proffesionally, lets sing out that sick song now shall we?

wait. i cant sing. (no, not just cant cant, but i reallyyyy cant cant cant. i has a throat infection.) so i will now write a sick poem.

i forgot. damn. oh well. lets start from scratch…in a bit. i feel dizzy. so im going to minimize this, lie down for a bit then get back to it later. and yeah, im THAT sick, im getting woozy. and my eyes are tearing up…

gosh,  i hate being sick -__________-

around four and a half hours (i read HP and the Half-Blood Prince, i slept, i was on fb, i slept some more, moaned, complained, froze and shivered, sweat and turned on the ac, then read just a taaad bit more. and watched Night at the Museum for the second time since its RELEASE. wohoo!) i am exhasted, sleepy, and feel like puking. and like theres a knife being twisted in my gut. i hate being sick =/

yeah, i think i reaaaallllyyyy need to get to sleep now. i just temporarily (2 and a half seconds, dammit!) forgot how to spell nife. i mean, knife. crap. i just did it again.

yeeaah, so i need sleep now. ‘night.

Ze Sick Ze,

haha. repetition is funny. no? nevermind. i am lamer than usual. especially since im sick aaand sleep deprived/had too much sleep (sixteen hours. no wonder im still up in the ams.). so yeah. sleep. i covet it dearly.

Just Some Motivation from Harvey Spector

Just Some Motivation from Harvey Spector

haha. hashtag. but yeaaah. What Would Harvey Do? But then again, thats only a question to be asked if youre actually epicting and entitling Harvey as your role model, or someone you want to be like. If thats the case, go ahead and go crazy with the #WWHD. if not, yaay. more what SHOULD do’s being asked then. And why not? i personally think its a muuuuch better question to be asking. Afterall, were not all harveys. Thank heaven for that. Some of us are Mikes. and some of us Donnas. and some of us *insert your name here*. and some of us Zes. Naw, i think theres only one of those. Hee hee.