Permanent Nicknames

I have many nicknames. To list even all of them would be a tidious task. And yet here are but a few.

Frostie, Wattson, Dr. Grey I. Wattson, Ze, The Mint Chutney, Maud, Maudlal, Sunny, Sunny Bro, 003, Bee to the Live, Beelive Buddy, Bashir Sahab, and many others besides.

And yet I realize now, that if I do move back to Chicago, a vast majority of these nicknames will be lost to me, since the people I will then interact with in my daily life won’t be calling me by them anymore. Stuff that have to do with my actual name might still be there, but other things like the Bee to the Live, or Maud won’t and those will only be used if I explain the jokes behind them to my new friends. So, I will be loosing a small part of me…But to me, it’s a BIG part of me.

I can only hope that my weirdness shall be accepted by at least a few, and some nick names will be sustained. Like my middle name being Irish. Like my nicknames Wattson, and Frostie. If those things are sustained, I’ll be fine.

And pshaw, it’s not like you can’t call me The Mint Chutney. I’m a super hero for crying out loud. It ain’t a nick name. It’s an identity.

And with that, I poof. I feel better about it. Even if no one is calling me Maud, or Ze, or Sunny Bro, I always will be. It’s on the inside, in my heart. Like my Beelive rings are when I’m too lazy to put them on =P Beelive!

Cuz all I got to do is beliiieeve in me, Pokemon!! (Pokemon Master Quest Theme Song)

Crazy, Chocolate, and Cookies,
the cool as hell magical snowman that inspires not one, but all.

[I also changed my fb alternate name from Wattson to Frostie for the moment. Not sure if it’s a permanent change, or change just for the heck of it. I just want to be recognized as Frostie more. Since I am. And what with this Olaf thing going around too…I’m the first magical snowman, got it?!]

Ze OneYear Mark~

Sooo apparently i was notified by WordPress itself that today my blog/wall i talk to/journal for future me to read is one year old! and hence has reached Ze One Year Mark! ^_^ Huzzaah~!

Sooo i dont know what im supposed to be doing here…something about how great its been, how i love my (nonexistent-) readers, and love wordpress as a whole, i guess =3


im pretty satisfied with how much ive recorded here, and so glad i didnt give up on this blog, cuz at some point last year, after the summer break, i totally disappeared. im glad i picked up the ball again, otherwise i wouldve regretted it ^_^

my motto is to do what you wont regret, and never walk away from somthing if youre gonna regret it later. i hate regret. a most terrible emotion indeed =P

and and, i actually am surprised at how ive come across other blogs and people and ideas and perspectives and commplements by starting this blog..

(small shout out to =) )

But seriously, i like my blog ^_^ and in honour of this anniversary and it being all summerifically wonderful im gonna change my theme to my initial/original artsy summery fun and colorful one =D

So to keeping this Internet Journal going, hope all keep reading =3 if i have any readers, that is (dont get ahead of yourself, wattson….)

To having fun, and bringing more, to recording the past and traveling to the future, to slaying Math the Dragon of Evil in my dreams, and to smiling and laughing whenever i read this craziness,

Just Add Some Sugar to that Mocha.

-Dr. Grey I. Wattson
the I is for Irish. 

ps. the anniversary was on the 11th of June, but due to reasons i have already explained and apologized for, this gets posted now.

The War Against the Land King

just last night i had to dreams ( i woke up in the middle, after one ended and it sorta kind but didnt continue from there) you see, this story is after the first one. ill post the first one later, its actually romantic which my dreams never are, so heres one that is more a typical dream for me (actually, its not so typical either, cuz the moon didnt explode in this one! usually the moon, or something else behind me explodes in my dreams =P ) so anyways, lets start the story from the top. But this i do need to mention, that Ayesha and i did not know of the existence of the Two Romeos in this continuation, especially that they were in Florida with us.

Ayesha (one of my best friends) was sitting with me at this beautiful cafe. The birds were singing, the Sun was shinning through the green leaves of this beautiful, large majestic tree that towered above us, and we were eating ice cream and sipping iced tea and coffee (needless to say who had the coffee, eh? =P) We were laughing and having fun. Now, for some reason, ayesha was technologically more advanced than me since she had her cellphone with her, and it bzzzed, notifying her that she had gotten a text. Now, here, we dont know that Ammar and Adil are also in Florida with us on a vacation. Ammar had just texted her asking if she wanted to hangout. so she replies that, sorry dude, we cant, were chilling in florida, on a vacation. to which he replies, im here too with adil, wanna go to an aquarium? so we kinda have nothing better to do and say yeah, sure why not. So now we have plans.

Next scene: we’re at the aquarium. now adil and i are childhood friends (form the 3rd grade) and both are pokefanatics. so we see manta rays and explode into an argument about whether this particular species resemble mantyke or mantine. this debate quickly developes into a ‘do you even know which is which?’ argument. at this, ayesha and ammar (not die hard pokefreaks, sad i know =/ they totally wasted their childhoods..) start their own convo that i didnt hear, so i dont know what they were talking about. And we have looong arguments. so by this time, we have entered this one way tunnel where the walls are made of glass and contain all these fish, like this real one somewhere in Dubai, UAE. And now i notice that all the people ahead of us are kinda grouping towards the wall, as if making a path for us to walk through. so now i and co. halt in our tracks and stare ahead expectantly.

i dont know what dream-me was expecting but it certainly wasnt this. Maaz (Tariq, basketball jock) comes over, no, galloping over, while riding a seahorse. strangely, dream-me had no issue finding this weird. what i did find weird were everyones reactions to his arrival. Adil bursts out a ‘whatya doing here?!’ which i think is the most realistic, and exactly what i was thinking at that point but was too speechless to say. Ayesha is confused and is freaking out. also realistic. and ammar. ammar, shoves between adil and i (we were leading this wonderful rally), and pushing up his sleeve glances at his watch and growls ‘its about time!’. (hee hee, ammar growling). now im totally like O________o

Ammar starts ranting about they dont have ‘enough time to strategize and plan now’. this apparently makes loads of sense to ayesha, since she gasps the Ooooooh of understandment (its a thing now, get used to it. kinda like French the Llama.) and says ‘so thats why you called me over! to be the strategist. afterall, i am the only one here qualified to do it here, since im smart’. To which adil scoffs ‘more like a consultant. maybe, since im the smartest one here, and im the strategist.’ Now dream-me is pretty dumb, and justs watch ayesha blush at her baisty/burn and start an argument with adil which ammar plans out a new schedule( like Mr. Herriman would). So i go up to maaz and try to get him, Oh-Seahorse-Master to shed some light on this baffling series of events.

Here i feel compelled to mention his attire (and adils too, in a bit. it is always note worthy.).He is wearing this ginormous swirly seashell on his head, kinda like those shell fish ones, i think as a crown. hes wearing his glasses as usual, and then, at his hip, he had a fencing sword. ah, but not any fencing sword, one that was evidently crafted using KND technology. it had a handle that was either ivory or bone (not too sure about the difference there anyways =S) and the blade- wait for it- was made entirely out of toothpicks he Prince of the Sea himself. And, if youve seen the episode where no.3 has to save no.3 from that sand castle king of the beach dude/brat? well, remember the three ‘knights’ wo wore different types of sea themed armor? he wore clothes a bit like a mixed version of the purple one and the orange one, but more princely and entirely blue. in case you havent, and dont understand my Kids Next Door reference, heres a link to a picture;,r:6,s:0,i:103 woooow, thats a long link. and just to clearify (and put this picture here too!) when i say Prince of the Sea, i dont mean King Sandy,r:1,s:0,i:88

And so my conversation with Sir Maaz…’hey whats going on??’ he decides to respond by pointing his blessed sword at my throat and says ‘ silence, infidel  or a shall be forced to silence you myself by beheading you!’ which seems very non-maaz-like and very knightly-outta-control-arrogant of him. so i give him one more chance before i just at him with my mad ninja skills. ‘maaz, whaaat is going on?’ this is the part where dream-me redeems herself by showing some signs of intelligence: ‘hey, you sound as if there’s a war coming up or somthing. are you going to war?’ i also thought ‘are you going to war dressed like that riding that??!‘ too but didnt say anything incase i was beheaded, you know. so he answers, ‘yes, i am declaring a war. against the Land King’. and he says this with closure, as if its climactic, dramatically, and with finality. i am now like, lost completely and forever.

i then am just like ‘yeaaaah, good luck with that..’ and it sorta ends. or atleast, i think the dream ends here. my dad interrupted me to drag me out to celebrate his wedding anniversary at 12.02 am. so my writing flow was interrupted and i dont remember what exactly it was i was supposed to / going to write after that bit about the clothes. hml…nope, still drawing a blank. grrr..

Oh yeah, and as per my dream rules, adil had to have had one of those curly-tipped french cartoon mustaches. (no offense to the French, you guys totally rule! =) ) and he was wearing regular jeans until maaz, prince of the sea, showed up. then, the jeans magically became red tights. *shudder*

now im gonna have a pretty hard time getting to sleep with that obscene image stuck in my head -.- oh well, another post sure to come, if im not entirely exhausted by then =)


FYI, on Dreams..

this here is my theory explaining why i have retarded, epic, awesome, funny, demented, silly, funny, stupid, pathetic, philosophical, impossible, shamabwahawaduh dreams. from what i can figure out, whenever my brain gets bored of my daily life and decides theres nothing interesting going on (no drama between friends, not having people i like come to drama society, being harassed by ppl i hate and find irritating/irksome/annoying/meddling, not studying in class, got no new material for my comics, etc) my brain makes up for it, by entertaining itself with these types of dreams. so yeah. my dreams are now going to be shared here. all sorts. so look forward to that. i actually had one last night and ill post it here in another post later.

actually, one of my dreams seemed just so random (for lack of a better term…) that one of my friends wanted to make a video out of it. sorry, but HOW exactly are you going to have the moon explode and me beat Bill Gates at poker in that, hmm? yeah, those were a few true spoilers =P so yeah, just wait and see! or in this case, wait for me to dream =)

We need to go deeper. yeaaaah, sorry about that, i just love that line from inception. and i use it whenever its not appropriate. such as now =P well, im my defense i was talking about dreams, k? =D