Arthur’s Theme Song Lyrics

I loved this cartoon when I was a kid back in the States, Arthur, on PBS Kids. And one day last week I had the song “Library Card” song and that’s when I went on a search to listen to it.


(Having fun isn’t hard when you have a library card!!)

Which I did, here, on the actual PBS Kids website. You can listen to these songs from the show, like Lucky Pencils, the Crazy School Bus, and the UFO Song. And of course…The theme song!!

(Although it did have some errors in it, so I typed my own lyrics out. That I got by typing out what was said when I listened to the song. About three times, so as not to mess it up..)

And so, Imma post the lyrics for the theme song. Which, now that I listen to the song, is suuuper motivational, and perfectly perfect for raising kids. And when I sang the song for Ayesha (who hadn’t really watched the show as a kid) said it really explained the way I turned out =P


The Arthur Theme Song

Every day when your walking down the street,
And everybody that you meet
Has an original point of view. 

And I say Hey- Hey!
What a wonderful kind of day
If we could learn to work and play, 
And get along with each other.

You gotta listen to your heart, 
Listen to the beat, 
Listen to the rhythm, 
The rhythm of the street.
Open up your eyes,
Open up your ears.
Get together and make things better
By working together.

It’s a simple message, 
and it comes from the heart.
Oh, believe in yourself,
for that’s the place to start.

And I say Hey- Hey! 
What a wonderful kind of day,
if we could learn to work and play,
and get along with each other!

You gotta listen to your heart, 
Listen to the beat, 
Listen to the rhythm, 
The rhythm of the street.
Open up your eyes,
Open up your ears.
Get together and make things better
By working together.

It’s a simple message, 
and it comes from the heart.
Oh, believe in yourself,
for that’s the place to start.

And I say Hey- Hey! 
What a wonderful kind of day,
if we could learn to work and play,
and get a long with each other!- Hey!

What a wonderful kind of day,
if we could learn to work and play,
and get along with each other!- Hey!

What a wonderful kind of day- Hey!
What a wonderful kind of day- Hey!

images (4)

Well, that’s it, and I hope you enjoyed it. And found it awesome. If only kids listened to this kind of stuff once they could understand the lyrics better…instead of raps and other kinds of loud music all the time =/

Wouldn’t that be a change for the better?

the cool as hell magical snowman inspiring not one, but all. 

A Fantastic Comic Site- SatW

So I’ve been prowling the net for a website which displays cute, and interesting comics that need not be professional, detailed as much as something like the DC ones, or even with much of a plot.

And now, after so so SO long, I have finally come across a site worthy of mentioning, because it’s just SO impressive and perfectly what I was looking for!

I introduce to you, and I do hope you’ll enjoy it, the ! It’s Scandinavia and the World comics =)

satw posre

The characters are countries, and they all have stereotypes attached to them- America is blonde and buff, meddling in everyone’s affairs, with very little knowledge on the European countries. Sweden is a typical nerdy character, with his hair slicked to one side, wearing glasses and a collared shirt at all times. Denmark is happy go lucky, has cute floppy hair, and is rarely ever seen without a bottle of beer in his hands. Finland is a mute, menacing man in a ski-hat (the kind that covers your ears?), and always carrying a knife.



^[left to right- America, Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. Yes, it is a thing, and a totally normal one at that, for Norway to be carrying a fish around everywhere.][And no, America is fair skinned, but in some comics he’s got a spray on tan that doesn’t look real one bit.]

The countries wear shirts with their flags on them, and trust me, sometimes even that inspires a short story, like this. It’s hilarious!

The stories are sometimes just random, inspired by real-life occurrences, or even historically enlightening! Myths and the Scandinavian’s perception of other countries is a constant theme in these sketches, and I love it. It’s fun, interesting, and funny.

images (8)


^This is a panel that cracks me up everyyyy time xD That’s America as a child, and here, England is his father =3 How cute is that? (Canada is America’s brother.) This is what happens when England ignores America when he was showing him all sorts of things as a kid…The tea got what it had coming to it =/

the british aisles


^[I like to think of the two twins near the bottom as the Weasely twins =3]

The drawing style itself catches my eye. Possibly cuz it resembles mine so much. The character’s are,  usually lanky chibis like the power puff girls. Although that’s hardly fair, since this artwork is amazing, not over the top, but the simplicity gives it dignity and it has an admirable effect. It’s fantastic, and I spent all of yesterday stalking that site. I’ve read nearly all the comics that have been posted in the past three years…It’s adorable and I love it ❤


I’d definitely recommend visiting this site every now and then to see what the Nordics are up to =) It’s worth it ^_^

Anyhoo, that’s all that there is towards this tiny post that I should have written yesterday….B-but, I was reaaaally absorbed in reading the comics then >.<

Crazy, Chocolate, and Cookies,


MovieReview- Accepted (2006)

Yeaaah so this movie IS ancient, and I hadn’t seen it til some time around a week and a half ago. What can I say, I’m not that big on watching movies. I’m usually out of it, and out of watching them. Oh well.


But I love this movie. It’s hilarious, random, awesome, and all tied together.  Inspiring and oddly comforting. After living my entire life having been stared at like a retard for not knowing the answer to “What do you want to do when you grow up?” or even what I want to do with my life, it’s great to think that there is at least ONE country doesn’t require you to have you’re entire future planned out or even a clue as to what to do with your time, let alone the remainder of your life. This movie’s brilliant, and it’s just an amazing look into the whole pressure of applying and getting into colleges and uni that has yet to come for me….but is just around the corner *gulp* Although this particular movie kind of skips that terrible step in the process of growing up.

Buuut forget that serious stuff, look forward to laughing at the funny and brilliant classes and courses offered by the South Hamron Institute of Technology. Yup, that is SHIT.

And while at it, might as well check out their rugby team, The SHIThead Sandwiches, and the mascot that goes along with it all.

My favourite character is the kid with ADHD as far as I can recall. The dude always dressed in a suit, all hyper and acting like a mental patient. That’s the one.

This movie makes it into my TimelessMovies list. And there aren’t that many movies there. There’s just one other since I’ve been compiling an ACTUAL list. It’s got Night at the Museum of course, but that’s all for now. I haven’t exactly added Animated Films to this list just because I’m going to dedicate them a whole other list. I know THAT one’s going to be veryyyyy long and consisting of a looooot of Disney…and Pixar, cuz Cars, and Toy Story, duh. Oh, and some Dream Works too. Who could forget stuff like Shrek.

Woah, woah, I’m going off track here. But what else is new…

So right, what’s this movie about? Well…

THere’s this boy, Something that starts with a B Gaines, and he doesn’t get into ANY of the unis he applies to. None what so ever. Not even his safe school. Or the safe safe school…His parents make it a big deal, how you need to go to university for, well, a life worth living. A marriage, a family, a house, a job, it’s all tied to higher education according to his parents. (I’m not disagreeing or agreeing. Hush hush.) In the end, with all the pressure, and his parents regarding him as a failure, he decides, simply, to reject rejection. In an angry rage, he scans a rejection letter from Hamron University, and forges an acceptance letter from the South Hamron Institute of Technology. He changes the logo from a red shield and a caps H to a blue one. And viola, he’s good to mail it off to his parents! In a drastic turn of events, he ends up getting even a campus for this SHIT uni. All to pull off the fraud. And that’s when some real SHIT goes down…since students actually show up at this supposed institute! (The reasoning they show up is muuuch more legit than how random it sounds in this description…but I’m trying to be vague so as not to steal details from the actual movie, and hence create a summary full of loads of spoilers.) So what now, Gaines? You’ve got a university full of students willing to learn, willing to pay their tuition fees, and yet it’s not a real university. So what happens now, once you’ve been -accepted- ?




Quote of Ze Day-Stars, Fathoming, & Constellations-John Green

Quote of Ze Day-Stars, Fathoming, & Constellations-John Green

AAAAARRRGGGhhh. i STILL havent managed to get my hands on a copy of the Fault in Our Stars, and hence, stilll havent read it! grrr. ive been looking forward to reading this book since FOREVER. gjrnoeudgf. it also doesnt help that my evil laptop just erased my entire post right before i could post it, and the anger erased most of it from my memory. anyways, i havent read the book which im probably sure this beautiful and elequent quote is from. siigh. although, i do think i can post this quote as i have been following the vlogbrothers on youtube, hank and john green’s channel, since, um, 2010 or 2009, not sure when exactly, but i have watched all their stuff from 2007. so im sure i know enough about john green to post this without doing him the justice of reading the entire book. or not. sorry, john green =) but anyhoo, this quote shall be very helpful next semester at school. all my teachers complain my expressionism sucks, and really needs improvement. (i think thats tosh, since i still get great grades and i get my point across. although in literature i do think i could use some work…but in all other subjects, i personally think im fine =/) so this is what i shall say to them then. yeeep. cant wait to see their reaction. especially if they have come across john greens work =)
weelll, im done.