MovieReview(ish): Alice Through the Looking Glass

Today I drove Que to the cinema to watch Alice Through the Looking Glass with me BY MYSELF in a shiiit ton of pouring rain. It was seriously raining cats and dogs when we were en route there.

Ahem, um besides that, I didn’t actually finish or even start reading my copy of the original Lewis Carol’s Alice’s Adventures unfortunately before this movie viewing, nor did I rewatch the first movie. Yet, I did quite like this one.

[Spoiler Alert!]

I really enjoyed learning more about the Hatter as he is one of the funnest characters and Alice was muuuch more bearable of a character after having been to Wonderland once. Thank gosh for that.

Time was a bit annoying at first, but he grows on you and YESH THEY *DID* FEATURE LOOOOAAADS OF TIME PUNS YAY (at least in one scene, but it was enough. Of course, it was at the Mad Hatter’s tea party ❤ )

The effects were beauuutiful. There were only two things I was dissatisfied about with the film. One, the Cheshire Cat barely played even a supporting character role in this movie. I mean, what is up with that?! How dare they…Grrr, my favourite ❤ 😦

Secondly, when they tried for a happy ending, they reeeaaally tried. I mean, they finally had the Queen of Hearts reconcile with the White Queen and I didn’t really appreciate it. They shouldn’t have done that at all. Even if they did, which I’m absolutely not saying, they should’ve at least made it harder for the two to reconcile. It was just SO EASY and bam, they’re best friends all of a sudden. It wasn’t natural. It didn’t suit the Red Queen’s personality at all and I didn’t like this irrational character development. If you want her to become good, then at least TRY to make it believable.

Besides that, the clocks and time saying “tick their last tock” really remind me of Julius and the whole concept of the Clock Tower in Heart no Kuni no Alice (the manga). I realize now that that’s probably some sort of adaptation from the book, but I guess I’ll just have to read to find out. I reeeeaaally liked that allusion though, even if it wasn’t intended because it had me intrigued, and doubly so that I knew of the clocks from this manga as well.

Lastly, I really wanna discuss this:

Mkay, so The Hatter knows his family is alive and is on an epic mission to save them. You know, his family of The HighTops, the family that has pridefully hattered for a very long time indeed. And to visit them, you go energetically. Well, and with THAT on your head. You want to be accepted by your father as a real hatter and you literally wear the ugliest hat you own?! I bet you’re making that horrid expression because you saw your own reflection. I would would yell like that too if I were in your situation.

Okaaay, that’s about all the snippets I have on this movie. This is a movie review ish remember? :3

the magical as hell snowman

A New Comic- Beelive!

Alya had these rings that spelled out ‘believe’. Each ring had  a letter on it. They didn’t fit her very well, but did fit me. I wanted to wear them and go around going “Cuz all I gotta do is -believe- in me, Pokemon!!”. She wanted to wear them too. So Mnaz comes into play, divides the ring into TWO words, so we can share. I got “bee”. She got “live”. And now, we bro fist, yelling “believe”!!

So this comic shall be named Beelive. And that is also the name of the main setting in this comic too.

Beelive Heading

Plus, this shall be my first ever comic that will be called a “manga”. Even though it is read like a comic, and it’s mostly English, this comic will be AS Japanese as possible. It’s about a Cosplay Cafe, and anime addicts/otakus. How could this not have happened?!

The comic is in a semi demented state of the future. Although there is really just a year difference between Alya and Mnaz when it comes to schooling, I’ve made it somewhere around five. Alya and Mnaz have graduated uni, and have started their careers. I’m in my final year of (Japanese!) high school.

Alya’s made it as a plastic surgeon. Mnaz is a mafia leader, who’s cover is owning a dojo and training Goku/Goko in the martial arts. (Pshaw, doctors are just too boring, so I gave her a career change.) They got where they wanted to be in life…but their dream hasn’t happened yet.

See, it’s their dream, as well as mine, to open a Cosplay Cafe together. And after working for a while, they have enough money saved up to buy the perfect location, and have everything figured out- except how we’re going to run it in the morning. Alya and Mnaz have their jobs, and I’ve got school. But if we don’t have anyone working there in the mornings, we’d miss out on the afternoon/lunch rush and lose loads of profit. So, in a bind, with short-staffed-ness, we don’t open the cafe quite yet.

Random Doodle- Beelive Trio

Untiiiiil, I find us a perfect Japanese Android that I stole from Adil, a mad scientist who works in his secret laboratory. And XJ-19, the android, handles the fort while we’re busy doing our respective stuff in the mornings.

In the afternoon, we all gather and meet at the Cafe to join in, and help out. We meet and greet our customers and generally have fun. Plus we’ve got super powers (how could we NOT?). So, I’ll be seen flying around, serving the sugar free stuff (Alya doesn’t trust me to get the sugar stuffed stuff to the tables without “taste testing” first.). Alya will be the store manager, and drool at all the pretty boys/bishounen. Mehernaz will be the one- I don’t know, I haven’t figured it out yet…

And I’m pondering kidnapping and in slaving Asmaa, Alya’s older sister, to be out chef. Mhmm.

Innocent Act

^[a random panel from the comic, what with my innocent act and all =P ]

But how do I get the rest of our crew into this comic, huh? Weeeell, I was thinking of having a high school reunion, and having it held at the Cafe! And then, everyone will just keep popping in, every now and then. Some will become regular customers, like Zaid, Shayan, and Mateena (anime addicts).

Plus, Mnaz proposes that Zaid fall in love with XJ-19. And have a nose bleed when he sees her. I’m thinking of doing that.

Aaaagh, there’s just SO much more to mention about this comic too! But I gotta go draw some sketches for the actual cafe, and for it’s lay out and all. Since the next scenes going to be there.

Anyhoo, I’ll leave the rest for another post, like Kirito and the Neighboring Rivals for some other time =P

Buuut it feels just so GRAND drawing a comic after sooo impossibly long ❤ And now I’ll actually have something to do in physics xD Huzzah to that!

Crazy, Chocolate, and Cookies,

Note- All the pictures used in this post were drawn by me, are mine, and I will sue for copying and claiming these to be yours >.> I work incredibly hard on my comics, my characters, and make loads of sketches before I’m satisfied with how they look. So don’t go stealing all that effort away from me. If you like how they look, save the pics, just don’t claim them to be yours. These characters are MINE, and these pictures from this site. If you want to use them, give credit to their creator, Ze I. Wattson. Just to set the record straight. La la la ^_^

Dan Brown’s Inferno

‘Dante’s Inferfon, Langdon thought. Inspiring Foreboding pieces of art since 1330.’
-Dan Brown’s Inferno

So ive been reading the Inferno nowadays (yes, thats where my pink heart paperclip bookmark is residing currently =P ) and its just so…different form all his other stuff so far! different indeed. And as im soo into art, and theres that literature student thing, this one quote threw me through the roof- i initially typed ‘foof’ =P -and its just SO TRUE. but really, epicness, and funny and so langdon. love your work, brown ❤ aaaaand now i wanna read inferno =( =/ oh, and sadly, i havent read dantes inferno first. i found out its originally a part of, er, a group of poems? no, stanzas of one long poem. The Divine Comedy. And honestly i was just laughing at something like the INFERNO being a ‘comedy’. turns out langdon knew his literature much better than me (point one for langdon, zero for me =( ) and explained how a comedy was written in slang-ish, regular, colloquil italian/language and not fancy formal, like shakespear stuff =) buuuut yeaaaah, this book…no idea HOW i feel about it yet…’only time will tell.’ =D

and thats what reminded me of this…
only time will tell

yeaaaah, now that ive shocked you all with the amazing workings of my brain and thought process, i think ill just go now..

DIY PaperGems & Crystals

As ive been very into the whole DIY thing this summer, and have done a couple projects in my free time, i thought id post links and my own instructions further adding to DIYs i found, performed, accomplished and whatever else. So i dont lose the links too, and so i can easily access all this stuff too.

So I found this amazing  blog with looaads of cute ideas and posts of DIYs called

and on it i found this wonderfully easy and pretty idea and instructions on how to make paper gems and crystals. Its super easy, looks super cute, and a fun way to pass the time. you could string these into a necklace, or a curtain if you have the time(which i totally have) and patience (what i lack), or put them in a glass/crystal bowl as decorations, or or… There are so many things you can use these for. You could also give them away as favors at a party for your daughters little princess tea party, or gift them to your friends. its honestly up to how creative you are.

This is one of those wonderful DIYs that you can easily pull off in 5 min or less and yet still manage to impress everyone with the outcome. Its a DIY that makes people think youre amazingly artsy, creative, and simply AWESOME for having managed to make something so impressive. Its an ideal DIY. easy to make. but still impressed everyone and makes them think you mustve put sooo much effort, time, and care into making it. Yep. my favourite kinda DIY. A Cheat DIY. =D


heres her original post=

Now, first off, youll need to download a template which will tell you exactly in what shape you need to cut the paper to fold and glue into these adorable and uniform crystals. and you can download it here= or download it directly from this post by clicking on this= minieco-paper-gems template With the template, heres a photo to work sort of as ‘table of contents’ type thing (sorry, i have NO idea what to call it…) where each number on this picture coincides with the net design on the template. and i promise, its a whole lot easier to understand when looking at both the template and the picture… but here it iiis. basically, so you know which crystal youre making.

Template of gems table of contents

Cut out the net design. Fold along the dotted lines given in th template. Glue the little flaps in such a way as to close the entire crystal/gem. Aaaand youre done! =)

If your having a hard time copying the template, you could print the template onto your colored paper. Then cut out the net, and simply fold the folds in the opposite direction, so that the printed dotted lines are on the inside. simple.

These gems can be made even prettier (say whaat?! =O ) by maybe using printed paper, or if your a cheapskate like me(actually, none of this stuff is available where i live =/) you can paint or pen/ink floral designs, or doodles on notebook paper, or paint geometric designs or whatever by hand on paper and then use that. even newspaper could look cool =). you could also paint effects on each side of the crystal, like light is hitting it and shade the colors accordingly. you could add sequins or beads. its up to you.

You could spray paint the sides metallic silver or gold, like in the original blog.

silver spray painted paper gems crystals

You could spray paint with contrasting colors (green crystal, pink paint. purple crystal, yellow paint). You could use glitter instead of spray paint too (probably what im gonna do. oh yeah, i didnt say? i havent done this DIY yet =3 im planning on doing it today, but i got excited and wanted to post a tutorial type thing about it first. im weird  crazy, i know =P so yeaaah. Or use glitter as a design, a geometric one, or a diagnor checkered pattern would also look prettyy cool. yeah. stuff like this

close up silver spray painted gems

make your crystals/gems look gemmier and more crystalline-y than ever! =)

Hope you (and i both!) have fun making these, and i hope they come out great! this seems super fun and easy and i cant wait to try it aswell. This would be pretty fun to do at a birthday party or a hang out session, just you and your girl friends or whatever, and sit around and and make these. [Then you could joke around about whos is best/worse =P ] It could be a cute little workshop, or a stall selling these home made cuties would be good at any fund raiser. You could do loads of things with them and with making them. Just have fun with it!

Greaaat, so i hope it all works out and you have fuuun doing it!

the cool as hell snowman who brings joy and inspiration to all~

* ill probably post an update later about how mine turn out! =) look forward to that. i just dont think ill be able to take pictures, since my phones not letting me upload pictures onto my laptop recently…grumble mumble…oh well =P

Exam Prep/Freak Out/Past Paper Rage

Yeah, yeah, i know, i should be studying right now. and chill out, i AM. im doing physics MCQ past papers on right now. so yeah.

but i am freaked. i mean, ive got the most important exams of my life in 6 days- wait, no its past midnight so technically five days. not like im counting. oh no. my friends do that for me. ‘only ___ days til our exams, like, ohmagooodddd!!’ you are not making the pressure any easier to deal with, oh dearest friends of mine -.-

so anyways, i was supposed to get my past paper booklets yesterday. i ordered them on sat, paid for 75% of them, and even had a witness. buuut, evil photocopier dude, LOST my order, and on top of that, FORGOT to print them out. so i was told to pick them up today. but, boy, did i freak out. i cried and cried, that theres only a week left, and the freakin loser just cost me a day of my prep time! grrr…but i finally got them today, so im feeling a loooot better about my prep, although im still freaking and ill tell you why.

one, im not a genius nor a nerd; im not adil nor a fiza. ive only started preparing for Bio. (theory is right after the atps.) and ive done math past papers sorta at my math tution. but otherwise, i havent studied shit seriously for physics, and i havent as yet TOUCHED chemistry. so im freaking out majorly about chemistry…

And Math. see, i havent practiced math in atleast a yr, since i got sir sohrab as my teacher, and im totally out of practice and my prep is literally less than one fourth the prep i had LAST year when i attended sir farid’s math tution and didnt even GIVE the exam last year…so very veryyy scared about even math. and i used to be better than adil at it too!! >.< aaarrrggghhhh

speaking of genius adil, i talked to his mom the day we were getting our mock results (were childhood friends;ive known him since 3rd grade) and shes going on how shes forcing a genius like adil to study 8 hours a day. lady, im not even studying 3! 3 hours, max, breaks included. im soooo scaaared =(

and and literature. i havent even ever once finished reading the entire wuthering heights. when i went off to the national debating thing, i missed loads of stuff, and havent really read up on what i missed. soo yeaaah. there shall always be apprehensive when it comes to the literarure exam, regardless of your mock grade (i got a 82%! the only one in class who got over 80! ME! and A!! =O) and prep, and grasp of the storyline/plot/ coursework, basically.

and then theres loaaads of nervousness when it comes down to the science subjects too..very much so…i hope i truly pray for atleast an A in physics so i dont have to regive it…

i hope and pray these cursed exams go well. then i can finally look forward to a whole summer vacation of nothingness and  , eventually, boredome. ah, but that boredome is still much more preffered over this evil evil exam time, no? =P

i cant wait for this stuff to end….

and i do promise, as soon as my exams end, ill update my blog. bring it up to speed. ill put all my wacko weirdo dreams up. ill add a bunch more of gahssip junk from the Lyla and co. group. and ill talk more about random shiz again =)

until then, toodles~

haha, toodles =P pathetic…

Later, Homies!

yeaaah, i know the ‘homies’ doesnt make it all that much cooler…=P

Stupidity Strikes

i had another stupidity moment =P

at like 3.32am (juuuust a guesstimate =P not) i had a serious coughing fit. but i was too scared to go to the kitchen to get a glass of water cuz its all dark, and scary and im the only one awake at this hour *sniff* so i just decided to tolerate the pain, and the itching feeling in my throat.

[btw, about me, its like a sign of ‘winter is coming’ (haha, game o f thrones =) ) that ill get a sore/kharaab/messed up throat for the entire season. and i do mean the entire season. if  maple leaves turn to hues of red, orange, brown, bronze, and gold in autumn and fall off the trees in winter, my throat will be the one that gradually gets worse and worse…until one magical morning its clear. thats when i yell ‘mooom, you can pack up the jackets nooow! springs heerreee!’]

heres the stupidity part…god, this is so crazy and silly and absolute folly.

i had a glass of orange juice next to me the ENTIRE time. -______________________-
